Introduction to “Al-Jadeed” evening news bulletin for Monday 24/1/2022

Seventeen years ago, his father chose to suspend political work.. He entrusted this beloved country to God without tears in his eyes.. but tears shed over his martyrdom after four months.

Today, his political heir invoked the famous phrase, and deposited it with beloved Beirut, accompanied by the salt of the eyes.

Saad Rafic Hariri left the political and electoral circle with its current arrangement and withdrew the Future Movement from its May entitlement, declaring the inability to bear additional settlements.

Among the declared reasons for which Hariri released was that settlements were imposed on him, from containing the consequences of May 7th, to the Doha Agreement, the visit to Damascus, the election of Michel Aoun, the election law, and others.

All of them came at his expense, but he was preventing the outbreak of a civil war. He reviewed his losses in wealth, foreign friendships, many of his national alliances and some comrades, and for the first time he named “Even the Brothers.”

Al-Hariri said it with a single share: And because I am convinced that there is no room for any positive opportunity for Lebanon in light of Iranian influence, international confusion, national division, sectarianism, and the weariness of the state, I announce the suspension of my work in political life and my family’s invitation to the Future Movement to take the same step and not run for parliamentary elections. The Future Movement, not on behalf of the current.

With his decision, Hariri put the elections to the test..and shook the throne of their dates or alliances if they happened..and left behind him “dispossessed” in every electoral district. Orphans are farther than one mountain.. They climb mountains and valleys from the Bekaa Valley to the north, to Beirut to the south.

Hariri’s decision will distribute his losses among the harvests.. It will confuse allies and shock opponents.. Suspension of political action has exposed the friends in the electoral field..and exposed all those who abandoned him with a reactionary effect, led by the head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea.

From Maarab’s treachery, to Gibran’s coups, the electric shocks to Michel Aoun, Hezbollah’s intransigence, Berri’s expired milk, and Jumblatt’s desire to eat the grapes of the Sunni region and pick its leaves in Beirut, all are realistic causes that entered the depth of the decision to withdraw.

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But the external causes remained trapped in the old stakes, and the future leader contented himself with mentioning Iranian influence and international confusion without approaching friendly fire, and here is the question that leaves a void in the answers.. Is Saudi Arabia fighting the election battle with a public confrontation team? Do you support personalities and candidates behind “Al-Sama Al-Zarqa” or will you pursue the policy of disassociation?

With appreciative answers about Lebanon’s political reality, the history of the Sunnis in Lebanon is a path of moderation and Arabism, and this component cannot be turned or moved in the face of any other party. But if the future Sunnis and all of Lebanon decide to play the electoral battle for change and isolate their rusted political classes… then Lebanon may be put On the highway plan to escape from the gates of Hell, and from this reading, Saad Hariri would have supported civil forces without public adoption… and allowed new blood to enter political life

But for his history, Hariri said his speech and walked to Abu Dhabi, depositing a thousand questions here, led by the possibility of the entire elections being disrupted, and Hariri’s boycott will be a reason for drawing up the guiding plan for the postponement..because the Speaker of Parliament no longer has the one-third of the guarantor of the seventh presidency..While the head of the Progressive Party has become a head of electoral grief. And the leader of the Lebanese Forces, Samir Geagea, began counting the Sunni votes that he would lose from all sides, after the Sunni street’s wrath against him.

What future for Lebanon… after Hariri sealed the Blue House with red wax?

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