Introducing the Six Challengers: A Closer Look at Nails

Back to reality, those of us who attended yesterday’s Central Committee meeting experienced the effort of the six leadership candidates to arouse the interest of party voters and public opinion for the internal party elections that are in three weeks, as the data points to low interest.

In the background of the measurements that show that Androulakis, Doukas, Diamantopoulou and Geroulanos are close and adopting the orders of the communicators, the six candidate leaders escaped a little off the beaten path.

They threw “nails” at each other, made promises and predicted the end of N.D.’s rule. They didn’t explain why and how, they just predicted it. Of course, they also predicted the end of SYRIZA, but they did not pioneer in this, as it is now also predicted by members of the official opposition.

At the meeting of the Central Committee of PASOK we did not hear any proposals. Probably neutralization is more important in this phase.

PASOK’s president, Nikos Androulakis, was the first to take the podium. “Only PASOK can open the exit door for Mr. Mitsotakis and his company,” he said, and among other things, his speech also included self-criticism. “We may not have achieved everything we wanted, but we will achieve a lot in the future. I’m the last one to claim I didn’t make mistakes. If you honor me with your vote, I will change a lot in the communication strategy and that is my commitment,” he said, while attacking those who challenged him after the European elections and forced him to go to internal party elections. “They wanted a small PASOK. It saddens me that some people say that we have achieved nothing with only their ambitions in front”, he emphasized and responded to the criticism. “I was not manageable and I will not be because I am always accountable to the Greek people and the members of the faction. Because I always had the support of the ordinary citizens I met along my way, in every corner of Greece”.

The floor was then taken by Pavlos Geroulanos for his own position.

“We have to get the voters off the couch, where they sat waiting for the PASOK they loved,” he said, focusing on participation in politics and elections. “3.5 million Greeks don’t go to the polls, they don’t see anything that inspires them.” “I know PASOK’s strong points, but also its weak points. I know what our society needs today and how we need to change the way we read international developments,” continued Mr. Geroulanos and emphasized: “I am asking for the responsibility to lead PASOK, with a specific political plan for Greece. A political plan that does not simply come to manage the country’s administrative and production model, it comes to fundamentally change them. The second reason I am asking for the responsibility to lead PASOK is because I can serve the unity”.

He did not fail to leave sharp points against Haris Doukas, noting: “The president sets the example. What does this mean? Two things. First, PASOK cannot and will not become a government by proxy. The president of the party must be a member of parliament.”

On Tuesday, Nadia Giannakopoulou took to the podium, initially saying: “PASOK is here, united, strong. The Mitsotakis government has failed, it has given nothing and is now retreating. SYRIZA is dissolving. It seems to have closed its historical cycle.” But he continued with sharp attacks against Androulakis, saying: “Within two years, voters were lost. 60% of society feels homeless and goes into abstinence, PASOK loses 110,000 voters, then there is a problem. We must look in the mirror with courage.”

Anna Diamantopoulou followed, who, among other things, said: “Let’s be absolutely honest with each other to take the next step: we have to change. Let each of us say how this can be done. We have proposals, but the citizens do not turn to look at PASOK with passion and hope”, while about her candidacy she said: “I am presenting my experience. I deposit this capital to my faction and my country. If I am not elected, I will be there to help PASOK. It is possible for PASOK to become the first force again”.

I am the only one who speaks clearly about a large faction”, said Michalis Katrinis in turn, who spoke of mechanisms against him. “Manipulation mechanisms were employed. Mechanisms of discrediting my effort, since the danger for the big interests is the creation of a big faction, which they will not be able to control.”

Shots at Androulakis from Doukas

Haris Doukas took the podium fifth. “PASOK does not manage to play a leading role when the deterioration N.D. and SYRIZA is fast. We appeared as a pendulum so as not to displease anyone. PASOK is not allowed to get comfortable. We are not convinced and the opportunities are not infinite. We must stand up for a new beginning that the space needs. We cannot go step by step when the country is sinking. It is our duty to create the conditions for a turnaround,” he said. “We have to finally decide who we will go with and who we will leave,” he continued and committed to the creation of a Ministry of Housing Policy.

Arkas: Good morning… bowling

Donald Trump: The attacker who tried to kill him while he was playing golf was arrested – What the FBI announced

This will raise the minimum wage to 950 euros [πίνακες]

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#Nails #among #candidates



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