Introducing peanuts before age three may reduce allergies

2024-08-15 16:09:46

A recent study conducted by the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center (RI-MUHC) shows that adding peanuts to young children’s diets before the age of three can help reduce the risk of allergies.

Therefore, the study incorporated Canada’s 2017 recommendations, which recommended starting peanut intake before the age of three. These recommendations are based on the first study published in 2015, which showed that ingesting peanuts before the age of one year could significantly reduce the risk of allergy.

To test the impact of this recommendation, IR-MUHC researchers analyzed 429 patients with severe peanut allergy at the Montreal Children’s Hospital (MCH) between 2011 and 2019.

The results showed that after 2017, the incidence of peanut-related anaphylaxis declined among children two years old and younger who had never had a severe allergic reaction.

Specifically, from that year onwards, the frequency of new cases of peanut allergy began to decline, “per year, every four months, there were 7.96 cases of peanut allergy per 100,000 emergency visits for all causes per year,” according to Adjusted for age,” we can see in the study.

Why were peanuts introduced so early?

in interview TV newsBy introducing allergens before the immune system is trained, that is before one year of age, “we can introduce tolerance,” explains the study’s lead author, Dr. Moshe Ben-Shoshan, a pediatric allergy and immunology specialist at MCH.

“On the contrary, if we wait […]the humanitarian system has been formed, […] He’ll realize this is something he has to attack,” he said.

To him, this study opens the way for other studies that could verify whether this trend holds true for other types of allergenic foods, such as eggs or milk.

#Introducing #peanuts #age #reduce #allergies



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