Introducing Barid Al-Maghrib’s New Range of Dematerialization Services for Mail Exchange

2023-11-01 19:00:15

Barid Al-Maghrib announced on Wednesday the launch of its brand new range of dematerialization services for mail exchange, called “Legal Electronic Registered Letter” or (Legal LRE).

To this end, the group has developed a platform in compliance with the legal framework of the Legal LRE in force, at the national and international levels, indicates Barid Al-Maghrib in a press release, specifying that this is a range of services partially or completely digitized which guarantees reliability, security and confidentiality.

Made up of three types of services, this range aims to offer an advanced user experience to customers, whether legal or natural persons, through journeys adapted to their needs, explains the same source. This is the Hybrid Registered Letter (LRH), a registered letter with legal value and which represents a solution allowing the mass sending and online tracking of registered mail as well as its physical distribution (paper format) to the recipient. by hand or to his address, with or without acknowledgment of receipt.

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It is also the Hybrid Tracked Letter (LSH) which constitutes a solution allowing the mass sending of mail tracked online, with physical distribution (paper format) in the recipient’s mailbox, without the need for a signature.

Finally, the Electronic Registered Letter (ELR), which is a fully digital solution for sending, tracking and delivering registered mail online. The characteristics of this solution give it the same legal value as the paper registered letter. In addition, the LRE offers a “simplified LRE” variant which retains the same characteristics as the basic offer with a simplified process for the identification and authentication of recipients.

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Thanks to the deployment of this platform, Barid Al-Maghrib confirms its status as a leading player in the digital mail market, in particular by guaranteeing compliance with the legal requirements which ensure the validity of electronic exchanges.

The Group is also the first public operator approved by the State to provide such legal digital trust services, such as Barid eSign, the digital solution for the certification of electronic exchanges, in compliance with the provisions of Law No. 53-05 relating to the electronic exchange of legal data and Law No. 43-20 relating to trust services for electronic transactions.

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#Barid #AlMaghrib #launches #Legal #Electronic #Registered #Letter

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