introduces the barbarian class, but asks for patience for its full version

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most anticipated RPGs by the PC audience. From the hand of Larian Studios, the creators of the acclaimed Divinity: Original Sin 2the third part of this legendary franchise It has been in Early Access since October 2020, and it seems that it will continue like this for a few more months.

Today we have with us his new update of the game, which has added 30 GB of content, among which is the new title class: the barbarian. In addition to this, the patch adds a multitude of changes, such as changes to the game interface and customization, more magic items, and adjustments to the stealth system. you can read the full patch notes on steam.

For its part, the barbarian is a powerful class, which comes with two subclasses: berserker barbarian, which can use enemies as projectiles, and wildheart barbarians, who seek to bring out their animal side by communicating with nature and animals. Of course, you might say that this is a great addition to the game.

Although we are celebrating because this patch is great and adds a lot to the game, Larian has also released a statement that urges us to arm ourselves with patience. According to the company, Baldur’s Gate 3 will follow its Early Access process throughout this year and will leave it in 2023. Of course, in order not to catch your fingers, the company has not specified when during the year.

“Early Access remains a key part of our development process, allowing us to improve with feedback from our players to make the best game possible.” […] “Our internal goal for release has to do with quality rather than dates. A lot of progress has been made toward those quality standards over the past year in Early Access, but we know that many players wait for a specific date. That date will come when we’re even closer to our goal, but right now our idea is for Baldur’s Gate 3 to come out of Early Access in 2023.”

And, well, we will have to arm ourselves with patience. It is often said that a game that takes time has a chance of becoming a good title, but a game that comes out in a hurry is doomed to be bad forever. Larian knows what he’s doinghas shown us several times, and we have to trust that these classic RPG masters are going to delight us with one of the most important titles of the genre.



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