Intesa Sanpaolo-CNCC agreement (shopping centres) for the “green” transition

Agreement between Intesa Sanpaolo and the National Council of Shopping Centers (the body that brings together shopping center operators and managers). The objective is to direct the participating companies – a potential audience of 1274 commercial centres, out of 19.9 million of total useful commercial surface area, over 40,000 activities and 561 thousand employees – towards the installation of photovoltaic systems and “green” investments and in renewable energy, encouraging the spread of Renewable Energy Communities

Under the agreement, the participating companies will be accompanied by Intesa Sanpaolo and specialized partners in their investment projects in renewable energy through dedicated solutions such as S-Loan CER and S-Loan Progetti Green, which provide rewards on the rate conditions upon achievement of sustainability objectives shared between the bank and the company. S-Loan CER, in particular, is dedicated to the construction of renewable energy systems and the consequent making available of the self-produced energy for the benefit of the relevant Renewable Energy Community, while S-Loan Progetti Green supports all types of corporate investments capable of generating a positive environmental impact on processes, infrastructures, technologies, services and products also for collective self-consumption configurations.

Among the solutions identified to support the energy transition, the operational rental of photovoltaic panels, proposed in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo’s RentforYou company, is also of particular importance. Rental represents a solution in which the sustainability and circularity component is strengthened, as an alternative or complementary solution to direct investment in the logic of financial optimization.

“This agreement – said Anna Roscio, executive director of Intesa Sanpaolo Corporate Sales & Marketing – combines the strength of the solutions proposed by our Group with the potential expressed by the companies belonging to the National Council of Shopping Centres, which can take on a central role as the energy community of the territory by aggregating demand and investing in green plants, becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of sustainability for the success of the company and the impact it generates on the local economy. In the last three years we have provided almost 10 billion euros in financing to Italian SMEs for investments in sustainability.”

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«We are very satisfied with this agreement – added Roberto Zoia, president of the National Council of Shopping Centers – which provides concrete solutions to help our members act with greater efficiency in the implementation of initiatives aimed at the energy transition, as well as giving a contribution to achieving the challenging objectives set by European standards”.

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2024-03-17 16:08:01

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