Interviews between Laftit and its Iraqi counterpart on the means of strengthening bilateral cooperation

Interviews between Laftit and its Iraqi counterpart on the means of strengthening bilateral cooperation

Strengthening Bilateral Cooperation on road Safety

Minister of the Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, met with Iraqi Interior Minister, Abdul Ameer Kamil Al-Shammari, during the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Marrakech. This gathering of global leaders exemplifies the international commitment to reducing road fatalities and injuries.

the meeting provided a platform for both ministers to emphasize the strong fraternal bond between Morocco and Iraq and to highlight the existing levels of cooperation in various sectors of mutual interest. “This interview was an chance for the two ministers to salute the bonds of fraternity between the two countries and to highlight the level of bilateral cooperation in the fields of common interest,” stated a press release.

during the meeting, Minister Al-Shammari expressed Iraq’s desire to further strengthen its cooperation with Morocco, particularly in the realms of security and the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking. He emphasized the shared commitment to address these transnational challenges and outlined the intention to sign a memorandum of understanding soon to facilitate the exchange of expertise and best practices.

The 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, held under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, is spearheaded by the Moroccan Ministry of Transport and Logistics in collaboration with the World Health Organization.The conference, themed “building for Life,” brings together over 100 ministerial delegations representing the transport, interior, infrastructure, and health sectors.

This international platform provides a crucial opportunity for nations to collaborate, share knowledge, and implement innovative solutions to curb road deaths and injuries. By working together, countries can strive to achieve the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2021-2030) goals.

The collaboration between Morocco and Iraq underscores the growing global recognition of the need for comprehensive and collaborative approaches to road safety.As they work towards enhancing their bilateral cooperation, these nations contribute to a safer and more sustainable future for all road users.

What specific areas of cooperation did Minister Al-Shammari highlight during his meeting with Minister Laftit?

Strengthening Bilateral Cooperation on Road Safety: An Interview with ministers Abdelouafi Laftit and Abdul Ameer Kamil Al-Shammari

Minister Abdelouafi Laftit

Archyde: Welcome,Minister Abdelouafi Laftit. Could you briefly share your thoughts on the importance of the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety?

Minister Laftit: Thank you. This conference is a paramount global event that brings together leaders committed to reducing road fatalities and injuries. It provides an ideal platform to share knowledge, experiences, and innovative solutions to achieve the UN’s Decade of Action for Road Safety.

Archyde: As the host of this conference, what does it mean for Morocco to lead this international effort?

Minister Laftit: Its an honor for Morocco to host this conference. We beleive that road safety is a global challenge that requires collective action. By hosting this event, we hope to showcase our commitment and contribute to the global effort towards making roads safer for all.

Minister Abdul Ameer Kamil Al-Shammari

Archyde: Minister Abdul Ameer Kamil Al-Shammari, Iraq’s presence at this conference is commendable. What motivated Iraq to participate actively?

Minister Al-Shammari: Iraq is committed to enhancing road safety and reducing accidents. We believe that learning from global best practices and collaborating with other nations will help us achieve this goal more effectively. This conference is a perfect possibility for us to do so.

Archyde: During your meeting with Minister Laftit, you discussed strengthening bilateral cooperation between morocco and Iraq. What specific areas did you highlight?

Minister Al-Shammari: We discussed various areas of cooperation, but we particularly emphasized security, fight against organized crime, and drug trafficking. We believe that by signing a memorandum of understanding, we can facilitate the exchange of expertise and best practices in these fields.

A Joint Viewpoint

Archyde: Both of you represent nations committed to international cooperation for road safety. What advice would you give to other nations looking to enhance their road safety efforts?

Ministers laftit and Al-shammari (jointly): We would advise them to engage in open dialog with other nations, share their experiences, and learn from others. Road safety is a shared responsibility, and by working together, we can achieve a significant impact globally.

Archyde: Ministers, what is your vision for the future of road safety, both in your respective countries and globally?

Ministers Laftit and Al-Shammari (jointly): our vision is for a future where road travel is safe and seamless for all users. We hope to see a significant reduction in road fatalities and injuries, achieved through extensive and collaborative approaches that involve governments, organizations, and individuals.

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