Interview with the president of the SPA on animal abandonment

2023-08-03 16:30:29

the president of the Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA), Jacques-Charles Fombonne © SPA

As summer approaches, the darkest time of the year for the abandonment of our four-legged friends, the president of the Society for the Protection of Animals, Jacques-Charles Fombonne, discusses the reasons for this scourge and the the solutions to fix it.

Are animal abandonments still so frequent in France?

Jacques-Charles Fombonne : It is very difficult to quantify the number of dropouts. The Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA), for example, collected 44,000 animals in 2022. But there are more than 3,500 animal protection associations, not to mention the animals that are not found. Be that as it may, the figures remain as alarming as ever. The ignorance of the owners for the needs of their beast is the main cause.

How to fight against this phenomenon?

J.-C. F. : The solution to combat this crime, which is punishable by law, lies in prevention. Before each adoption, we review, with the future masters, all the subjects to be discussed so that they can welcome their little companion in the best possible conditions.

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