Interview with Survival Zero at Hellfest 2022

What are the next dates planned for Survival Zero?

Pierre : We come from Troyes and we are going to play Tramfest on September 3, a festival organized by TRAM, a local association. For the rest, it won’t be before 2023. Otherwise, we have clips in the pipeline.

The Big Radio will relay that with great pleasure then! We are committed to highlighting the work of local and emerging groups.

Regis : Thanks a lot ! We have already been able to be relayed by you in addition, I often listen to the web radio and once I said to myself “Shit but that’s me!”.

We also met Insolvency, who come from the same city as you, and we asked them how he felt in Troyes, a city that is very active in the metal scene. You are therefore asked the same question: How do you feel in the Trojan scene?

Governed: We feel particularly good there. Things are starting to move a little at the level of the city, because metal was not very well seen by the institutions, simply because they did not know. Now they realize that it’s the only scene that really moves, we have a lot of talented musicians in Troyes. There are also people who are much more talented than us! There is a dynamic to do something good. The only thing it lacks at the moment is a convenient venue for gigs. But hey, it’s pretty much the same everywhere.

Pierre : I did a quick little calculation before the Hellfestbut on the poster of the festival in term of Troyens, there is the drummer of Laura Coxone of the guitarists of Disconnectedthe keyboardist of Sethblack band, Northern Light who also played VIP and Sleazyz who are friends. Then you have to add to that people who are in the media or volunteers who work here. By the way, I myself have been working on Mainstage 1 for 10 years this year. There are thus more than thirty Trojans, present at the Hellfest who will present their music or work on the dynamics of the festival. It’s crazy for a small town of 75,000 inhabitants. I knew a time when we had only one place to play! It was the somewhat seedy cellar in a bar. While today, it is developing and we have a room!

In your opinion, what should not be missed during this Hellfest ?

Regis : We took a big slap with Hangman’s Chairit must be said that we are big fans in the group. Benighted also, it was madness for everyone! There are friends who came out of the concert being all sore.

Pierre : I took a big slap with Leprous et Gojira which put a notch above 2019. I cried in front of Kornit was magical, Nine Inch Nail which was mesmerizing then Jerry Cantrell who taught us a good lesson!

Regis : The best concert for me was Envywhom I have always loved and I almost cried too.

So how regarding we leave you the final word?

Pierre : We can already thank all the people who allow us to be here to defend the group as well as all the media and the press area of ​​the festival. Then I am going to call on all of our wishes to be able to be soon on the official programming of the Hellfestthe last word can be a wish (laughter).

Regis : And other scenes throughout the year, playing with friends and meeting people is the most rewarding!

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