Interview with Erick Delgado: A Journey through his Football Career, Romances, and Controversies

2023-09-30 07:05:01

My people from ‘La fe de Cuto’, we return recharged. After the first part of the interview, we return with the second installment of the hot talk with Erick Delgado. ‘El loco’ tells us details of the final stretch of his football career, his fight with ‘Condór’ Mendoza and more. Very watery.

In this second part of the interview, Erick Delgado tells us regarding his return to Sporting Cristal, his time at Juan Aurich, San Martín and the end of his career at Cantolao, a stage that left him with a bad taste in his mouth.

Finally, Erick Delgado talks regarding what his romance with Nataniel Sánchez was like and the details of the much talked regarding fight he had with Andrés ‘Cóndor’ Mendoza, when he was in the Peruvian team. Ay ay ay. Let’s start, don’t forget that faith is the most beautiful thing in life.

How was your return to Cristal?

When I go to Aurich, I am left with the disappointment of not having become champions, Franco is leaving. Maybe we might have, we were first, I think that team might be champion, we did everything wrong. There just happens a situation that gives me the possibility of returning. At that moment ‘Lalo’ García Rossell spoke to me, who at that time was the president of Backus and Juan Carlos, but Juan Carlos spoke to me following I settled with Cristal. Oviedo told me to stay and offered me more money, the other one mightn’t match it, but I had a desire for Cristal that I said I would return, even if they offered me more money on the other side. I think the sentiment and youth won over me a little. I came back and the relationship with the fans became closer. I was almost the captain of Cristal, there was Chorri but sometimes I didn’t play, I ended up being the captain of the team, I was already a person of the house, I knew everyone, I came back more mature, I enjoyed it, I liked coming back, but I think that A team was not put together to become champion. It wasn’t going bad for me…

Sporting Cristal fans want goalkeeper Erick Delgado to return to goal. | Photo: Getty I.

What anecdotes from 2010?

Here comes Chino Rivera, comes Advíncula de Aurich. We started well in 2010 and from there the issue began to fade away. We didn’t end up being a solid team, you beat us badly, you beat us 6-1. In the end we ended up paying dearly… that day, following the game we didn’t want to know anything… that day was one of the times that I said ‘we don’t have a chance’, since we took the field we were losing, the sun was shining … Then, in 2011, there was Rivarola, he was good at first but Juan Carlos ended up opting for Reynoso who came and it went badly… he brought a lot of players and it didn’t work. He ends up leaving and ‘Churre’ Melgar is in charge, 2011 ends there and we already knew that Roberto, who came from Huancayo, was going to take over the team. He was there for a couple of years, until 2014 and then he had his second cycle with Cristal.

When are you coming back to Aurich?

2013 and 2014. In 2013 with Vaquero, the Spaniard, they kicked him out of the club and Roberto arrived in the middle of 2013, that semester we did with Roberto, the team improved a lot. Vaquero didn’t want to play with forwards, we didn’t finish the plays, we had a great team. Vaquero leaves in August and Roberto comes and we ended up having a super good championship that we didn’t make it to the final league, we lacked time, but we finished the year very well. The following year, 2014, we did have a good championship and almost became champion.


How do they lose that title?

It was in Trujillo, we should have gone to penalties. Estrada wants to run, they take the ball away from him and that’s when the long pass comes with the goal. The match of the night, the tie match with Cristal, we should have made the move there, it had to end in that match. We had a shorter squad than Cristal’s, we had to have injuries in three games in one week. Edgar Balbuena is injured, but he continues playing, everything happened to us, I was torn a little but I continued covering, we should have killed the game on Wednesday and we were not lucky enough to score, that is a thorn in our side. They had it in terms of names and players but we as a team, in any situation we might have won the game. We had won the Apertura and we didn’t win the Clausura because we let ourselves and Cristal classified that final last. That final was postponed… that’s a thorn in my side, I think we deserved it.

How was your time at Municipal?

They were three very good years. I arrived in 2015. I am leaving Aurich because they hired Gallese but before that, in the end they hired Gallese, I don’t know what the situation was like, I don’t even find out from them, but from other people. It didn’t seem right to me, I felt betrayed, almost the same thing that happened to me in Cristal was happening to me. That seemed like a betrayal to me, at least they would have waited for the year to end. Going to Muni was like a complete relief from all these situations, they treated me very well in those three years. The fans were very respectful of me, I had a lot of fun on the field, it was a very young team, but that team had a lot of nights, you don’t know what we got out of…

What anecdotes?

Once they had Muni play, we always played on Saturday, once they wanted to have us play on Sunday at 3 in the followingnoon and we tied, we almost won… if we won, the night was guaranteed. Pits, there was everything. On Monday we rested and returned to the courts once more. I had a great time, everything I mightn’t do as a child, I did there, there was no pressure. I only took care of my weight and then I took it easy, I covered almost all the games… it was a good group at Muni, everyone pushed forward, everyone laughed, then the game ended and we had a rum, I enjoyed it, Muni It’s in my heart. The fans keep sending me messages.

Deportivo Municipal: Erick Delgado sends an emotional message to the fans

Then you go to San Martín…

Of the many stupid things I did, I remember that Muni finished and they offered me to go to Cusco, Garcilazo, and I out of the blue said no. I should have gone to live in Cusco, there is everything, but I think that at that moment I was more guided by the things that were said regarding the leadership. They made me an offer and I was stubborn and said no, I bought a ticket to Miami and I got out, being a moron, being a fool, I should have covered up Garcilazo that year and I stayed five months without covering up. It’s money that you don’t earn and you don’t see it once more, time passes and that’s it, you’ve already lost it. I should have done it. San Martín arrived at the end of May, I was in Los Angeles walking, Álvaro called me… I had to buy a flight two days later because I think they sold Duarte. I return, I stay those six months in San Martín, which I also enjoyed, I was lucky to meet very good people while there but it was not the San Martín that we all knew, which wasted money to hire everyone to be champions, in that time was fair, already at dinners there was one prisoner not two, but then there was everything, there was a campus to train, I think they should never have stopped giving him support.

Erick Delgado was presented as the new goalkeeper of the San Martín University

Then you go to UTC…

It was in 2019… with Franco he was already older and you know what Franco is like, he’s a slanderer, there he was already hairless, he ended up crooked, he screamed. We would lose and he would make us train the next day. He would stop at the door of the hotels to see that no one escaped, people still escaped… I was already older. On the field he yelled at you and I didn’t tell him… you have to seat Franco here… but Cajamarca was very nice, its people were very nice, they filled the stadium. Everything happened to me.

Franco is a character…

One day in Cajamarca we had to play the Sudamericana and Franco stands like a Tombo at the door of the hotel and Jean Deza had already escaped and arrived on the flight at 6 in the morning, running, with his colorful shirt. Joaquín sees him pass, he had come running from his house, he mightn’t train that day, we had to leave him sleeping, but followingwards he did very well. One time I had to stand in the middle because Franco almost hit Deza, he wanted to kill him. Deza is incorrigible, he is not a bad guy, he is a good boy, but I think he already ate the character, they poke him and he goes and does it.

Cantolao was your last club…

I didn’t have a bad time because there were good colleagues but I do think that there is nothing in terms of infrastructure. Cantolao has remained in first class over the years but I don’t know how… the team forges minors and should have at least a place to train and there isn’t one. That year we saved the category, we stayed and Alianza left, that year was the year of withdrawal. We started well but then it was diluted because there was no investment, the pandemic happened, my mother’s death happened from covid, and for me it was like a short circuit because they started with salary cuts without warning, which until now They didn’t pay me, they took money from me, I never gave the go-ahead because I was in another situation because my mother died. I stayed with that, it wasn’t a great experience but I mean, at least I was in Lima, in my house. I would have liked to finish in a better way or somewhere else, I think that the heads there did not help you develop as an athlete and there are many boys who exploit them badly.


What comes to mind from your first call?

Surely I was in Cristal, but I think it was Paulo who called me for the first time to the senior team and then I was lucky to be there for many years and not leave. I was always there until Markarián arrived, I played a couple of games and then he deleted me, I got injured, but things are managed by many people at the back and many representatives have a lot to do with it, even if they don’t want to say it. Representatives play a very important role today, if you are not friends with someone to get into that place, you are screwed, it happened in the selection…


What happened to the Condor Mendoza? He bothered you a lot…

Nothing strange happened, what happened is that Andrés bothered me a lot, the last time I saw him, we got along very well, but he gave me a few points, I was always like that with him, he was good-natured, but I think he He allowed himself to be encouraged by the people. At that moment we were in New York, it had been bothering me for a long time, Jefferson told it because otherwise no one would find out.

He told it live with Paolo Guerrero…

We were in New Jersey, we were going to play once morest Ecuador and the day before the game he hit me with a kick that landed on my face, I kept it. We were on the bus, the fans had brought something to Ciurlizza, I wanted to grab it and he told me ‘what do you grab, kiddo’ and he slapped me. He had me dry, it was that or I stayed silent. I got upset and told him ‘what have you got’. I arrived at the hotel, I said nothing is going to happen but the black man came at me… I already didn’t know myself, the situation bothered me so much that I ended up putting one on him… we went down to the food and Alfredo hesitated with Andrés. He went at me and wanted to pick me up, I grabbed him, I punched him a couple of times and the man fell, the people also received him because he tried to get in. Galiquio was there, we were all at the end, I gave him everything. Andrés’s face had swollen a little and Alfredo was bothering him. The next day we played but nothing happened. It remained as an anecdote.

Have you played two Qualifiers with Autori and Markarián?

One with Autori, then the teacher comes out and Ternero finishes. And Markarián’s, following that not anymore because Gareca is coming, I never had the chance to meet Gareca but from what they told me, he was a very good coach and he joined the group, which is the most difficult thing for a coach.

Were you close to going to play abroad?

Yes, a couple of times. Once I was regarding to go to Brazil, to Botafogo, because Autori’s representative came to give me the proposal, but I got injured, I tore my cruciate ligament and things got complicated there. Then I almost went to Boca, a representative got it for me who was a friend of the physical trainer I had at that time in Cristal, I even went to Buenos Aires, but in Argentina it was more regarding going to fight for the position.

Was it difficult for you to leave football?

Today I miss it more, I miss playing. At first I saw it as more of a resentment towards the leaders and representatives, today I miss it, I think I might go on. The situation of not being doing the same thing as always stresses you out, you get depressed but you don’t explain it and it just got together with the issue of my mother, my hair even started to fall out. My chest hurt, I went to the clinic, I became a hypochondriac, I think it was due to stress, it happened to me following a few months, but I still have that thorn in me, it’s part of life, not everything is rosy.

Are you aware that it is because of your character?

I’m not going to deny it, I lived with it, I knew well that at some point it was going to take its toll on me but what remains with me is that I never bowed my head to anyone and they can tell me ‘complicated, who fights for others’ , but I have been a good companion, I fought for everyone when it was my turn to lead the groups. Tell me what you want regarding the field outside, but on the field, I was never below the level, I earned a name well on the field.


Were you a gallant too? You were with Nataniel Sánchez

The exposure that there was… first of all, I have nothing once morest her or once morest anyone, but I always governed myself because I played soccer, I had no reason to talk regarding my private life. We had been dating and I wasn’t going to come out and deny it either, I preferred to stay quiet and calm. That’s what I did but I’m not one of those people whose private life I’ve tried to always keep very closed and the issue of who I go out with, try to keep it as far away from everyone as possible. That time it was because she worked in the environment and I gained experience. I prefer them to be people that no one knows.

What are you like in your personal life?

After football, I lead a quiet life, I play sports, I like to travel because I believe that life is like a book and if you read the first page you have not read the book, it is always good to know cultures. I am not going to deny that sometimes I go to the beach to drink but I am not a person who parties every day, I go to party but very occasionally… if they invite me to meetings I go. The thing is that I live alone, my son comes with me on the weekends, but when I’m not with him I live my normal life, I cook, I learned the hard way.

Now what do you do?

I mightn’t tell you anything, but now I’m trying to occupy my time with something that isn’t unrelated to football. I’m with Erick and Gonzalo on the YouTube channel, Paco is also there. I have fun, I won’t deny it. Now I will have the possibility of venturing on TV with a table where they are going to discuss football, the championship, and I like it, I like talking regarding football, analyzing it. Maybe one day I will start studying to be a technician but now I am doing that four days a week, it ends up being a new profession, a new experience. It starts as a hobby but you end up getting into it fully, I’m at an age where I’m not going to deny myself anything.


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