Intervention requested for infrastructure problems at Pinto school – La Discusión 2024-07-03 04:01:03

The deputy for the Ñuble region and president of the Social Christian Party, Sara Concha, sent a letter to the Seremi of Education, SLED of the region and other services, to request an intervention to solve the various problems suffered by the Los Jardines del Lautaro Rural School, related to infrastructure and student safety.

The school, located in the commune of Pinto, in Chillán, faces a significant infrastructure deficit, with the furniture in the classrooms and bathrooms in poor condition, and the lack of a covered place to carry out activities during the winter months, with students having to remain in the hallway, which is small, or in the classroom, spreading the different respiratory viruses.

For the deputy, this situation “is unacceptable, especially in the middle of winter. It is not possible that the students do not have sufficient infrastructure to carry out their activities in the classrooms, that they do not have a roofed space to carry out their recreational activities, or that the bathrooms are incomplete. Parents have told us that they themselves have had to donate items such as comfort to guarantee the minimum conditions of hygiene, since the school does not have the necessary resources to provide them. It is essential that an intervention be carried out at the level of authorities in this place.”

In addition, in the letter, the parliamentarian summons the authorities of the Seremi of Transport and Telecommunications due to the dangers generated on the road where the school is located, since vehicles on several occasions travel at excessive speed and have collided with the bus stop outside the school. “In addition, we have the case of 26 students from the school who live in different alleys of Route N-55 and who must walk long distances to get to school, exposed to the morning cold and the danger of being run over when crossing the road. For this reason, we believe that it is necessary to have a permanent means of transport, to avoid any tragedy,” said Concha.

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