Internet in schools: MEC plans to evaluate speed, quality of use and latency

2023-05-30 21:28:00

Among the plans of the Ministry of Education are to monitor connectivity in schools more closely and expand the network evaluation criteria, including indicators of quality of use, speed, latency rate and experience in the learning environment.

The details were given by Ana Úngari Dal Fabbro, general coordinator of Technology and Innovation in Basic Education at the MEC, in a panel this Tuesday (30th) at an event promoted by the Tele.Síntese portal, discussing edtechs and public schools. According to Fabbro, it is necessary to go beyond knowing whether there is internet or not, but evaluating the pedagogical experience with students and developing a metric of their own to evaluate the internet and find out if there is a Wi-Fi connection and enough devices.

“Often, some schools even have adequate connectivity, with a fiber link, but [o sinal] does not reach the classroom”, he said.

Paula Martins, CEO of the School Connectivity Administrator (Eace), said that monitoring is part of a 36-month contract with providers and that the Learning Connected initiative works with Wi-Fi networks in the school perimeter.

David Penha, from the Ministry of Communications, highlighted the eventual escalation of the Internet Brasil program, which plans to supply neutral chips to public school students, and is currently in the proof-of-concept phase, which should be completed this year. The expectation is that up to 500,000 chips of this type will reach the hands of students.

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