Internet celebrity committed suicide by cyberbullying and dies after being rescued! Wife burst into tears: There are 2 old and 3-month-old children at home | International | CTWANT

Guanguan, an Internet celebrity in Shandong Province in mainland China, chose to commit suicide because he could not stand the long-term online bullying of black fans. (Picture / Recap from Douyin / Jimu News)

A mainland Shandong Internet celebrity tube tube, the video of driving a tractor to Tibet in 2021 became popular overnight, but because of this, he was bullied by black fans on the Internet. Unexpectedly, he chose to end his life recently because he couldn’t stand such a situation. Life, leaving behind the family’s two elders, wife and 3-month-old child.

According to a comprehensive report by Lu Media, Guan Guan (Sun Fanbao), a 38-year-old Internet celebrity in Shandong Province, became popular in 2021 after uploading a video of driving a tractor to Tibet. Unexpectedly, on the 14th, some netizens broke the news of Guan Guan’s sudden death, and on the 15th, his wife also released a video confirming the news of her husband’s death.

Guan Guan’s wife burst into tears in a video released on the 15th, saying that her husband left behind a 2-year-old and a 3-month-old child at home, and she really didn’t know what to do. (Picture / Recap from Douyin / Jimu News)

Guan Guan’s wife said in the video that her husband was insulted and instigated by a black fan for a long time during the live broadcast, and finally chose to take pesticides to commit suicide because he couldn’t bear this kind of behavior. Guan Guan’s wife burst into tears and said that there are two children and a three-month-old child at home, and they really don’t know what to do.

At present, the police said that they have received a report about Guan Guan’s suicide and will hand over all the evidence to the County Public Security Bureau to investigate the whole case.

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◎Give yourself a chance: 1980 for Teacher Zhang, 1925 for peace of mind, and 1995 for free lifeline.

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