International Women’s Day: can you say “happy day” or not?

In my neighborhood, as in many others in Argentina, the neighbors set up a WhatsApp group, mainly for security reasons. He March 8 early in 2022 a neighbor wrote there: “Good day”; A few minutes later another answered “thank you anyway” and then six or seven similar messages followed, all from women.

I was surprised that no gentleman expressed himself. Were ladies greeting ladies.

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I soon realized the reason. So much has been instilled in us that the Women’s Day It is a day of vindication of gender and not a day of celebration (and therefore, among other things, We should not organize celebrations, give flowers, or say happy day), that now all men are afraid of screwing up.

International Women’s Day

Although the origin of the commemoration dates back to 1857 in New York, the best-known milestone was the tragedy of an industrial fire that occurred in the same city, in 1911. The official date of International Women’s Day was made official by the Organization United Nations (UN) in 1977.

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It is clear, we are on a date of commemoration and, therefore, it is not appropriate to organize celebrations, or give gifts that reinforce stereotypes, but… Does that disable us from saying “happy day”?

Journalists, publicists, public relations and communicators in general are “professionals of the word” and as such it is our duty to reflect on the use of them.

The fact that we associate the word “happy” with celebrations (“happy birthday”, “merry Christmas”, “happy spring day”, etc.) does not mean that we are talking about the same thing. To say “happy day” is to wish happinessneither more nor less than that.

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That by a quick association, we censor the desire for happiness, is madness. Rather we have to do the opposite. We have to work so that there are equal opportunities for everyone, without discrimination, and that not only can but must be accompanied by a genuine desire for happiness towards others.

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As the children’s cheerleader said Xuxain his most famous song, “Being happy doesn’t hurt!”

Can you or can’t you say “happy day?”

Obviously, if we detect that someone does not like the expression, it is appropriate to respect it and not say it, but not go much further than that.

Obviously, even with good intentions, the State, many NGOs and various organizations, such as universities and companies, exaggerated their recommendations and now we have to retrace part of that path. They are things that happen.

The tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, the fire that changed the history of women’s rights

I thought about all this a year ago, while drinking mate and reading my neighbors’ chats.

That morning, after going back and forth on the subject, I finally got up my courage. I got over the WhatsApp syndrome blank and wrote a message in the neighborhood group that today I repeat and dedicate to Perfil readers:

“To all the women who like to be told happy day: good day!”

*Consultant and professor of RR. PP

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