International Women’s Day at AMS Gmunden

The AMS Gmunden invited to International Women’s Day 2023. At the event, the organizations and partners of the AMS Gmunden in a cozy atmosphere about the offers for women in the district.

The women’s vocational center, women’s forum Salzkammergut, FiB – women in motion, KiB children care – the association for sick children, FiT advice and the association for childminders were available as contact persons for around 35 participants.

Each institution introduced itself with a short presentation. Afterwards, the invited women were able to get in touch with the counseling centers in an uncomplicated manner and in the comfortable setting of a “world café” and discuss specific questions and personal concerns.

We are very pleased that so many women found out about the extensive offers in the district and of course also about the extremely positive feedback on the event and the organization,” said Ilse Hankowetz, Equal Opportunities Officer for the labor market and Leopold Tremmel, Director AMS gmunden

Photo AMS gmunden

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