International song for life fighters Even if life fights back, we fight back again | TrueID Creator

2023-05-14 16:33:12

Superheroes – The script

“You can be too, Super.Hero?”

Do you believe that the way we look at ourselves with the way other people look at us is different Consider the way you look at others. you see other people look cool Success, good life, stuff like that, but the truth is everyone has their own problems. You’ve only seen a small corner. of that person only Take a look at the profiles of idols or people you respect. What did he have to go through? How much hardship and patience he had to go through before he got to this point

You are a good person in the eyes of other people, believe me, people will think that you are good at this or that. Because people are different and people are better able to see another person’s abilities than they do themselves. I’m sure you’ve been through a lot in your life. From past experiences should have taught you a lot of lessons. take the pain embarrassing story And disappointments make you strong and fly gracefully. Feel the power within you and use it to fly your way!

P.S. My deepest condolences on the passing of band member Mark Sheehan here.

I lived – OneRepublic

My favorite songs that I go back and listen to a few times always feel powerful.

This song will talk together. regarding life problems From family, work, sickness, love, mistakes, joy, without wanting us to be stuck in suffering for too long. Just feel the pain of disappointment and move on. Every pain will shape you andwhen you get through it you will smile to yourself And laugh as you tell those stories to those around you. You’ll say, “Oh, this story? I’ve experienced it myself.” Looking back, it’s an experience you’ll at least appreciate.

You own your own time. You can choose what to do with your time. Are you going to spend it on your suffering or will you use it for your happiness?

For some people who are debilitated Until affecting other aspects of life You should be able to start recognizing that you’re stressed out. admit to yourself and absorb it Review it and find a solution for yourself. You can find someone to help you. Sometimes we don’t have to face anything alone. It may be someone we see positive energy in him. He might be able to help us. When you’re done crying Find someone to help you solve the problem. Quickly wipe away the tears, take a nap, and keep fighting.

That’s how a superhero learns to fly!

Unofficial Sponsor: Goose Goose Headphones, easy to use, low volume. turn on loudly

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