International relations – The EU calls for the facilitation of investment procedures in Madagascar

There is no lack of investors to develop Madagascar, said Herimanana Razafimahefa, President of the Senate, yesterday during a press briefing at the Anosy Senate.

The European Union is a living example of this demand. It asks for the facilitation of investment procedures in the Big Island. Notably, there is a lot of paperwork that prolongs the investment procedure. Herimanana Razafimahefa said that, “many companies want to make a big investment in our country. This is why the European Union has asked for the facilitation of procedures and steps to follow for an investment in Madagascar”. The two parties will strengthen their cooperation for the development of the Big Island.

According to the explanations, the Senate will also give a boost for the improvement of the environment. “The members of the Senate are going to take a big decision for the water supply within the communes and the fokontany” announces the President of the Senate.

For the strengthening of Madagascar – European Union cooperation, the investment focuses on the world of renewable energy production. The European Union is sharing its experience in the field with the Madagascans concerned.

Industrial improvement

The population must also be educated to save drinking water. But especially in terms of industrial improvement, following the example of AGOA (African growth and opportunity act). The European Union has financed Madagascar from several angles. She helped the Big Island during the coronavirus pandemic season. She provided vaccines like Jansen and Pfizer.

The European Union has also granted assistance to the South to overcome the Kere. It has made investments in terms of food, agriculture and many different sectors.

The European Union Ambassador working in the country paid a courtesy visit to the Senate, Anosy yesterday.

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