International NGOs Rally Together to Defend Protest Rights in Venezuela

International human rights organizations have condemned the high levels of repression and violence in Venezuela and demanded that the authorities guarantee the right to protest and respect the rights of Venezuelans, “essential elements” of democracy.

The entities signed a statement in which they expressed their concern about the “arbitrary” arrests and the criminalization of protest, in a pre-election and post-election context in Venezuela marked by repression and multiple violations of human rights, including “a serious pattern of politically motivated arrests, potentially unlawful killings, restrictions on press freedom and internet shutdowns«.

In this regard, they are “particularly alarmed” by the accusation made by prosecutor Tarek William Saab against those arrested in connection with the protest, and the announcement that they will be charged with crimes such as public incitement, obstruction of public roads, incitement to hatred, resistance to authority and, in the most serious cases, terrorism, which will result in prison sentences.

«We call on the authorities to refrain from criminalizing protest and to fully comply with international standards and norms on the use of force.“, they urge, and demand that these same authorities “de-escalate conflicts, use non-violent means, use force in a progressive and differentiated manner, and respect the right to political participation through the electoral process«.

The signatories of the statement are Amnesty International, the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), CIVICUS, the International Commission of Jurists, Freedom House, the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights.

They all call for an end to the use of weapons to suppress protests, and recall that “In no case may lethal force be used to control demonstrations.“and even less so when the use of force by the State”It would be arbitrary and, in some cases, an extrajudicial execution.«.

In this sense, they call for research “promptly, independently, impartially and with due diligence“and they call on the international community”Demand respect for the civil and political rights of people in Venezuela” already “remain alert to possible serious human rights violations in the context of the protests«.

Thousands of citizens affiliated with the Venezuelan opposition have protested since Monday against the result issued by the National Electoral Council (CNE), which gave victory in the presidential elections to Nicolás Maduro, a result that The opposition calls it a “fraud” and which has led much of the international community to doubt the result and demand transparency and the publication of the voting records.

The Carter Center, which participated as an observer in the elections, stated on Tuesday that the process “did not conform” to the international parameters and standards of electoral integrity, and therefore “cannot be considered a democratic election.”

#International #NGOs #condemn #repression #Venezuela #demand #guarantee #protest
2024-09-15 03:53:08

– What actions are international human rights organizations⁢ taking to address repression in​ Venezuela?

International ‍Human Rights ⁢Organizations Condemn Repression in Venezuela, Demand End to Violence

In a strong show of solidarity with the people of⁤ Venezuela, top international human‍ rights organizations have united ​to condemn the rampant repression and violence plaguing the country. ⁢In a joint statement, these organizations have demanded that the Venezuelan authorities guarantee the right to protest and respect the rights ⁢of citizens, essential for a functioning democracy.

Excessive Force and Arbitrary Arrests

The organizations, ⁤including Amnesty International, the Center for⁣ Justice and⁤ International‍ Law‍ (CEJIL), CIVICUS, the ​International Commission of Jurists, ⁢Freedom House, the Global Centre for the Responsibility⁣ to Protect, the Washington⁤ Office on Latin America (WOLA), and Robert F.‍ Kennedy Human Rights, expressed ‍deep concern over ⁤the “arbitrary” arrests and criminalization of protests in ⁢Venezuela. They highlighted the worrying ‍pattern of politically motivated arrests, potentially unlawful killings,⁤ restrictions on press freedom, and‌ internet shutdowns in a pre-election and post-election context marked by widespread⁤ human rights violations.

Criminalization of Protest

The organizations are particularly alarmed by the prosecutor’s accusations against those arrested in connection with protests, and the ⁣announcement that they will be charged with crimes ⁤such as public incitement, obstruction of public roads, incitement to hatred, resistance to authority, ​and terrorism. These charges can result in ⁢prison sentences, further exacerbating the climate of fear and repression.

International Standards⁤ and Norms

In response, the organizations urge the Venezuelan⁤ authorities to refrain from criminalizing protest and ​to fully comply ‍with international standards and norms on the use of force. They demand that the authorities de-escalate conflicts, use⁢ non-violent means, and respect the‍ right to political participation through the electoral process.

End to Lethal Force

The​ organizations emphasize that, in no case,⁤ may lethal force be⁢ used to control demonstrations. They ⁣recall that‌ the use of force by the state must be ⁤reasonable, proportionate, and necessary, and never result in arbitrary ⁤or extrajudicial executions.

Independent Investigations and International Community

The organizations ‌call for ‍prompt, independent, impartial,‌ and diligent investigations into reported human rights violations. They urge⁣ the ‌international community ‌to demand respect for the civil and ⁣political rights of the Venezuelan people and to remain alert to possible serious human rights violations in the context of protests.

Thousands ⁢Protest Against Election Results

The condemnation from international human rights organizations comes as thousands of citizens⁢ affiliated with the Venezuelan opposition have‍ taken to the streets ‌to⁣ protest against the results of the recent election, which gave⁣ victory to the ruling party. The protests‌ have been ⁣met with excessive force, arbitrary arrests, and ⁣widespread repression, sparking widespread ‌concern among human rights organizations and the international community.


the international community must ‍stand in solidarity‍ with ​the⁤ people of Venezuela and demand an end to the violence⁢ and repression that has plagued the country.​ The Venezuelan authorities must guarantee the right‌ to⁣ protest, respect the rights of citizens, and comply⁣ with international standards​ and norms on the use of‍ force. The world is watching,‌ and it⁤ is​ time for Venezuela to uphold its human rights obligations.

Keywords: Venezuela, human rights, repression, violence, protest,⁣ democracy, international organizations, Amnesty International, CEJIL, CIVICUS, International Commission of Jurists, Freedom House, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, WOLA, Robert ⁤F. Kennedy Human Rights.

Human Rights Fund, and several others, highlighted the increasing use of excessive force by security forces against peaceful protesters. They expressed grave concerns over instances of arbitrary arrests and detentions, urging an end to these practices that violate human rights.

International Human Rights Organizations Condemn Repression in Venezuela, Demand End to Violence

In a strong show of solidarity with the people of Venezuela, top international human rights organizations have united to condemn the rampant repression and violence plaguing the country. In a joint statement, these organizations have demanded that the Venezuelan authorities guarantee the right to protest and respect the rights of citizens, essential for a functioning democracy.

Excessive Force and Arbitrary Arrests

The organizations, including Amnesty International, the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), CIVICUS, the International Commission of Jurists, Freedom House, the Global



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