“International Government”… a full year of work to organize the largest gathering of governments in the world

For the tenth year in a row, the “World Government Summit” was held, during which it hosted experts, specialists and decision-makers in the world’s governments, to anticipate the future and inspire world leaders. “Emirates Today” monitors the scenes of preparation for the global event, which takes a full year of preparation after the great success of the session. tenth.

Mohammed Al Sharhan, Deputy Director of the World Government Summit Foundation, told Emirates Today that this intensive, exceptional program, which is presented over three days, in addition to the introductory day of the summit, has a full year of preparation and preparation by a specialized team behind it, to go out to the world with this wonderful image, and achieves its goal of inspiring governments and decision-makers globally.

Al-Sharhan explained that the preparation for the World Summit of Governments starts from the first day after the end of the summit each year, and work is usually done by the summit team to explore various axes, on the most prominent global trends and the latest issues on the scene, and to know the speakers who are able to inspire the governments of the world, so that it results in Take decisions and policies accordingly, after presenting them at the summit.

He stressed that the preparation of the summit program is not temporary or instantaneous, but rather takes place during a full year, during which its agenda, activities and programs are prepared.

He continued: «The most important summit programs are the main sessions that are prepared for through the work team exploring the most important sectors of interest to government work, whether in the sectors of health, education, economy and other important sectors, and then the most prominent experts, specialists and decision makers are selected and invited in the specific sectors to participate in.

Al-Sharhan added: “The summit program also deals with a number of specialized forums, which are held on its sidelines, through which the most prominent solutions and challenges facing different sectors are discussed. Ministerial meetings are also held on the sidelines of the summit, which are held in the presence of the private sector, with the aim of creating a link linking the responsible government and officials in the private sector, and reaching pivotal and pivotal decisions that positively affect government work.

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He stressed that, starting next week, brainstorming sessions will begin to think and prepare for the next summit 2024, so that this institutional work will eventually yield tangible results from the various and varied discussions that take place during it.

He pointed out that through the “World Government Summit” platform, we are also looking for the best innovations that serve government work, whether directly or indirectly, to be displayed on the sidelines of the summit, with the aim of inspiring governments to prepare and prepare for what is to come, and these exhibitions aim to transfer experiences The UAE to the world, or the experiences of other countries and governments of the world.

He pointed out that many meetings that are held throughout the year, forums and brainstorming sessions aim to reach the most prominent agenda that represents the global agenda, to be discussed with the participation of decision makers, policies, international organizations and various governments of the world, in addition to representatives of the private sector.

Forum meetings and brainstorming sessions throughout the year, to reach the agenda of the World Government Summit.

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