“International Corps” 16,000 people in place! CNN: Foreigners bravely travel to Ukraine to confront Russian troops | International | New Head Shell Newtalk

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed on the 3rd that the first group of volunteers from other countries had arrived in Ukraine.Photo: Retrieved from Zelensky’s Facebook

When Russia invaded Ukraine, many foreigners and expats bravely responded to the call of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and arrived in Ukraine to join the “international army” and take up arms against Russia. Zelensky posted an emotional video on the Telegram channel on the 3rd, mentioning that 16,000 foreigners have volunteered to join the “International Army” to help Ukraine fight the Russian invasion.

According to CNN, Zelensky had previously called for “citizens of the world” to stand together against “Russian war criminals”. Now, groups of young men have responded to his call, carrying heavy rucksacks and military equipment. Poland entered Ukraine to help. New York resident Vasyk Didyk was also involved. The 26-year-old carpenter, originally from Ukraine, wears a knitted ribbed hat.

“This is also our homeland. We cannot live comfortably in America and see what is happening here,” Didik told CNN in the western Ukrainian village of Shehyni. He was with friend Igor Harmaii. Accompanied, with a rucksack and a wheeled suitcase, it took 24 hours to arrive in Poland from New York, and then cross the border into the home country of Ukraine.

Didik, who had no military training and whose parents did not live in Ukraine, insisted on coming, and his parents cried on the phone when they heard their son was about to join the fight. At the same time, British construction worker Jake Dale hopes to cross the border into Ukraine before the afternoon of the 5th. He lives in the English city of Milton Keynes (Milton Keynes), more than 1,200 miles (about 1,200 miles west of Shekini) 1930 km).

Dyer said Zelensky’s calls for foreigners to join Ukraine’s “International Legion” prompted him to book a flight to Poland on Thursday. He said: “As soon as I heard his (Zelensky’s) appeal, I immediately felt he needed help. I thought it was a cause worth risking my life, and my girlfriend felt the same way. She was obviously as annoyed as everyone else. But she supports the operation because she understands and I want to help.”

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As Russia assembled its troops on the Ukrainian border, Valery, a Ukrainian citizen living in eastern France, felt the need to return home to visit his elderly parents, and one thing came to his mind. Valerie said: “How much can I contribute to my country? My first thought is to join the army and see how capable I am.”

When Russia invaded Ukraine, many foreigners and expats bravely responded to the call of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and arrived in Ukraine to join the “international army” and take up arms against Russia. Zelensky posted an emotional video on the Telegram channel on the 3rd, mentioning that 16,000 foreigners have volunteered to join the “International Army” to help Ukraine fight the Russian invasion.

According to CNN, Zelensky had previously called for “citizens of the world” to stand together against “Russian war criminals”. Now, groups of young men have responded to his call, carrying heavy rucksacks and military equipment. Poland entered Ukraine to help. New York resident Vasyk Didyk was also involved. The 26-year-old carpenter, originally from Ukraine, wears a knitted ribbed hat.

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