“International Conference on Venezuela Concludes with Controversial Results”

2023-04-26 06:32:59

12:01 AM

The first International Conference on Venezuela organized by Colombia closed with a request from the international community to that country that Nicolás Maduro, in a matter of minutes, ignored. What’s more, the diplomatic table ended up stained by the controversial condition that that regime put on the table: the release of the noted figurehead, Álex Saab, in exchange for free elections in 2024.

The meeting lasted six hours, behind closed doors and under strict security measures, which took place in the San Carlos Palace and in which emissaries from 21 States, including the United States and representatives of the European Union, sat down to talk regarding the Venezuelan political crisis.

The result of that meeting was a statement of just over one page that the foreign minister, Álvaro Leyva, read in a matter of two minutes and 10 seconds before an area of ​​empty chairs in which the parties requested three points from the political actors Venezuelan.

The first, that Venezuela draw up a calendar to hold democratic elections; second, that once this step is completed, the sanctions be progressively lifted; Third, that the contact table in Mexico be reestablished, in which the ruling party and the Unitary Platform were sitting, with the mediation of Norway.

Those requirements barely had 46 minutes to live because the regime responded to the statement with a statement in which it did not make a single reference to the call for elections, but it did reiterate its request that the sanctions once morest it be lifted for the corruption cases. that have surfaced in international justice.

Maduro took air from the table

Despite the salute to the flag to talk regarding Venezuela, the table was installed without legs and the one who cut the support of that Conference was the same regime that, before the event, released a list of requests that asked the actors, nothing more and nothing less meddling in matters of justice.

That catalog was detailed by the president of the pro-government National Assembly and Maduro’s brother-in-law, Jorge Rodríguez, demanding that the United States release Saab – whom he qualifies as a diplomat – from jail, that that country lift all sanctions, that the United Kingdom give them access to the gold reserves of the Bank of London and to close the investigations once morest the regime.

This point goes beyond the processes that are underway in the US justice system, since the ruling party is demanding that an end to the ongoing investigation in the International Criminal Court for the possible violations of Human Rights that it would have perpetrated. In this investigation, the highest commands of the Miraflores Palace, including Maduro, are investigated.

The files once morest him from the US justice point to him leading the Cartel de los Soles, a drug trafficking group that sends illegal substances from South America to that country and in which Maduro and other high-ranking officials would be.

While in Bogotá the States were trying to draw a line of action for the country to emerge from the crisis in which it has been submerged for a decade, in Caracas Maduro launched balloons stating that the only way to reactivate dialogue in Mexico is for the United States to give Venezuela 3.2 billion dollars, the money that he considers he has lost due to the sanctions.

Dialogue with a deaf regime

The heir of the late Hugo Chávez says that his regime has a “vocation for dialogue”, but he only takes note of the requests that suit him, but not of the steps that he should follow to take that step. In other words, President Petro built bridges for him with the international community and he only saw the steps that were convenient for him and not those where he might stumble.

And the actor who did see bumps along the way went to the Colombian government with the surprise arrival of the opponent, Juan Guaidó, in the national territory. Guaidó, who until recently called himself the “interim president” of Venezuela, was sent to the United States on a commercial plane in a procedure that his side describes as expulsion and that the Casa de Nariño classifies as irregular migration.

The International Conference on Venezuela generated more expectations than results and Petro is getting ready to convene a second chapter of that table in his attempt to maintain relations with an autocratic regime that still does not guarantee the holding of democratic elections.

#Maduro #undermined #Petros #appointment #Venezuela #calling #Saabs #release



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