interim results and cut-off mark

Moments prior to the start of the MIR 2022 exam.

The ME 2022 will be one of the most remembered in recent years for having a woman as number 1something that had not happened since 2013. It is about Sofia Mercedes Haselgruber de Francisco, as revealed by the first list of test results for doctors that the Ministry of Health has published this Tuesday. Haselgruber, with 182 valid questions, 18 wrong questions and a scale of 9.34, has achieved a total score of 103.2911.

The score of the number 1 of this MIR 2022from the University of Santiago de Compostela, is higher than that obtained by the MIR number 1 of the year 2021, Daniel Gomez Ramirez, who had 158 valid answers in the MIR exam and 16 errors with a score of 92.2766. With a scale of 9.45, the total score obtained by Gómez, from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, was 101,8656. It should be noted that these results are provisional in the absence of their definitive publication, after the end of the claim period.

In this way, the rest of those classified among the 10 best results of the 2022 MIR exam to choose a specialty provisionally they have been:

Number 2 of the MIR exam, Jorge Bedia Cadelo, from the University of Cantabria. She answered 180 questions correctly, with 19 errors and a score of 92.3940 points. With a scale of 9.39, the final score obtained by this student is 102.1014. He has studied at the University of Cantabria.

Number 3 of the MIR exam is Belen Rodriguez Sanchez, who answered 179 questions correctly, with 20 errors, and a score of 91.6847. Her scale is 9.64 and she has obtained a final score of 101.6505.

Fourth place goes to Maria Josep Garcia Requena with 154 correct answers, 44 errors and a total score of 81.3749. The fifth place has Jose Maria Villa Gonzalezwho answered 175 questions correctly and had 25 errors (score: 98.8115).

They complete the top 10 of the provisional results of the MIR 2022: Vicente Jurado Vinteño (score: 98.7057); Jorge Llau Garcia (score: 98.4600); Javier Meseguer Donlo (98,1705); Carlos Gonzalez Merino (score: 97.9224); and Alejandro Claudio Oliva (score: 97.7729).

What is the cut-off mark for the MIR 2022 exam?

According to data published by the Ministry of Health, the average of the 10 best exams has an average of 507.5 points, which means setting the cutoff mark of the test for doctors at a minimum required score of 177 correct answers. The correction factor of the MIR exam shows 0.17733990147 points and a correction scale of 1.03380543781. In addition, the first provisional list published shows that 12,062 people have taken the MIR 2022 exam.

How to file claims?

According to what is established in the resolution that approves these provisional relations, a within four business days counted from the day after its publication (from February 23 to February 26, 2022, both included), to submit claims.

In this regard, Health informs that all people who have Digital certificate O Electronic ID Claims should preferably be submitted through the General Electronic Registry of the General State Administration directing claims to the Ministry of Health – Secretary of State for Health.

For the people who do not have an electronic identification system permitted in Spain, the corrections will preferably be presented at the registration assistance offices, at the Government Delegations or Sub-delegations and at the diplomatic representations or consular offices of Spain abroad.

In these cases, both the requests for correction of errors in the personal data, as well as the corrections, will be presented using the claim model published in the website of the Ministry of Health and that later it must be presented in the aforementioned offices.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.

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