Interest in small holiday homes in Crete, Ionian

Interest in small holiday homes in Crete, Ionian

Already in 2024, an increase of 8-10% is seen in the average prices of tourist areas, with experts stressing that ultimately, they do not see a “brake” on the rise, not even in 2025. According to the new estimates, they see a price equalization, until 2028. Not that real estate will become cheaper then, they just think prices will increase at a rate of 3% to 5% every year, instead of the 10% and 15% recorded in the previous 5 years. In addition to the “heavy wallets” that invest in the luxury real estate market, there is a consistently high demand from the “small and medium” of Central Europe, for the purchase of mainly small seaside properties of residences.

The profile

The buyers are families and retirees who are looking for either a second property or a permanent establishment, which mainly concerns the second category.

This category of buyers seems to prefer areas of Crete and the Ionian Islands, while this year a large increase is recorded in Corfu and the wider area of ​​Preveza, with the focus of investment interest on newly built properties. Several surveys have shown the shift of investors, especially those looking for a residence up to 200,000 euros, to smaller holiday homes and alternative destinations. According to experts, overall prices in Greece are 40% lower compared to other countries and this is one of the main reasons why Greece remains one of the top investment options. It is recalled that in a recent analysis of the market carried out by “Elxis-At Home”, it shows that in the last two years, the average sale price of holiday homes has increased by 44% and has reached 378,500 euros, from 263,000 euros, which was in 2022.


In a recent related statement, in an online discussion, Mr. Dimitris Melachrinos, managing director of the online classifieds platform, stated that “the traffic to our pages from abroad constitutes 15% of all searches, but it is more qualitative and targeted”.

He also said that a trend that has formed in the market concerns those who are looking for a safer and cheaper accommodation option. Such an example is the investors from Israel. When in Tel Aviv, the sales prices are around 10,000 euros/sq.m., while the Greek prices are around 2,000 euros/sq.m. in the cities and from 6,000 euros/sq.m. in prominent tourist destinations such as Mykonos or Paros, the decision to invest becomes easier. The data of show that in the “top 10” countries with interested buyers for Greek real estate, are the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Australia, Serbia, Canada, Bulgaria, France, Ireland and finally Poland.

The sale prices of holiday homes
Region 3rd quarter 2024 (€/sq.m.) 3rd quarter 2023 (€/sq.m.) Change %
Dodecanese 9,17 8,00 14,60%
Sporades 8,67 7,78 11,40%
Cyclades 11,67 11,33 3,00%
N. Heraklion 9,17 8,57 7,00%
N. Rethymnon 10,00 9,67 3,40%
N. Chania 9,03 8,33 8,40%
Euboea 7,00 6,67 4,90%
Zante 8,00 6,86 16,60%
N. Corfu 9,38 8,43 11,30%
N. Kefalonia 7,61 7,27 4,70%
N. Samos 6,35 5,56 14,20%

Source: – SPI

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#Interest #small #holiday #homes #Crete #Ionian

Onesignal login

It⁣ looks​ like you’ve provided a JavaScript snippet that‍ seems to ‌manage the loading of various advertising and analytics scripts, including ⁢Google AdSense,​ OneSignal, Disqus, and others. Here’s a​ breakdown and‌ summary of the ⁣components mentioned​ in the code:

1. **AdSense ​Handling**:

‍ – The snippet checks for ⁢elements with the class `.adsense-for-mobile` and removes any ‍corresponding elements ⁤with the⁣ class​ `.adsbygoogle` if they exist.

⁣ – It​ counts the⁣ number of AdSense slots and seems ⁤to initiate a loading sequence for​ those scripts.

2. **Adman Integration**:

– It initializes​ an `Adman` queue to handle advertising unit ​settings.

3. **OneSignal**:

– This part ⁣initializes the ⁢OneSignal ⁣push notification service⁢ using ⁣a specific app ID.

4. **Disqus Comments**:

⁢-⁣ Sets up a configuration for Disqus ​comments, including‌ setting ⁢the page⁢ URL and‍ a unique identifier.

5. **Script Loading**:

– There’s ‍a ⁢placeholder for a⁤ function that loads additional ‌scripts asynchronously. ⁢However, the ⁢actual URLs⁣ or script sources are not provided, they appear to be incomplete or commented out.

6. **Clearing up unneeded code**:

‌ -⁤ There ‍is a commented-out section concerning “CleverCore” which suggests that the intention was⁢ to load some additional advertising features​ but it’s currently disabled.

7. **Other Ad‍ Services**:

– There are‍ references to other advertising partners like⁣ Taboola,⁢ Phaistos Adman, Glomex, and Vidoomy;⁤ each appears‍ to schedule ‍their respective script loading under ⁣certain conditions (like the presence of ‍specific⁤ elements).

### Suggestions for Improvement:

– **Complete the URLs**: Ensure that the URLs for the scripts ​are properly linked in the `asyncLoadScript` function calls.

– **Error Handling**: ⁢Consider ‌adding error handling for script loading⁤ to manage failed attempts gracefully.

– **Optimizing Conditions**: Ensure that⁣ conditions check accurately‌ before ⁢script loading, to avoid unnecessary overhead or broken⁣ references.

– **Commenting⁣ and Documentation**: Comments should be cleaned⁣ up to ​ensure clarity and understanding of what each component‍ does.

– ⁤**Performance Monitoring**: Consider ​implementing performance⁢ checks to⁣ see the impact of these ⁤scripts‌ on‌ page load times.

If you need further refinement or explanations about specific sections, feel free to ‍ask!

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