Inter Miami’s New Freedom Park Stadium: A Game-Changer for Miami’s Sports Landscape

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Miami (USA), Oct 25 (EFE).- The great sporting moment that this Inter Miami is going through is directly proportional to the success it is also achieving as a project and business, to the three finals and the two titles (which can be three in a few weeks), the countdown now begins for the crown jewel of the project, its majestic new stadium that will change the city forever and will cost them 350 million dollars.

Since David Beckham and the Mas brothers began taking the first steps of the project, they had two main concerns, which they considered key to the club growing quickly and successfully. The first thing was to have the attraction to incorporate great world-class players, and with Leo Messi at the helm, Sergio Busquets, Jordi Alba and Luis Suárez arrived.

The second thing was the stadium, the club’s headquarters, a challenge probably even more complex than signing Messi, because the city of Miami does not stand out for the opportunities to find land that would serve what they had in mind, and they also found many complications. down the long road of closing a location.

They achieved it, and if Messi’s arrival changed the club’s destiny forever, the new stadium could be considered a move at that height or even greater in perspective. The Argentine footballer has put Inter on the football map, turning the institution’s offices into a gateway for big brands interested in linking up with the heron club, such as Royal Caribean, Chase, VISA…

The new ‘Freedom Park‘ that makes up the stadium and its enclosure, however, will forever change the city of Miami. Located less than a kilometer from the international airport, its impact on the county and the metropolis will be total, as confirmed by Xavier Asensi, president of operations: “It will be the first and last thing that people see when they leave or arrive at Miami,” he tells EFE.

More than half a million rent per year

Inter Miami has signed a thirty-year lease with the city for the occupation and exploitation of these public lands, although the agreement includes two extension options up to a maximum of 99 years.

Once the stadium opens in 2026, the club will pay $588,079 a year in rent, plus almost $3 million for commercial development in the area. In total just over three and a half million annually.

131 acres in the heart of Miami

On the one hand there is the qualitative leap in the sports venue, with a state-of-the-art, stable stadium, which will also go from the 21,550 seats of the current Chase Stadium to the 26,700 spectators that will be able to gather in the new Freedom Park.

On the other hand, there is everything that will be around the new home of Inter, the project has 131 acres, 58 of them will be the largest public park in the city, which will be added to the green areas of Miami, with sports fields , shops, entertainment venues, attractions, restaurants, hotels and office spaces.

The location is perfect, in the heart of the city, well connected to different highways and just seven kilometers from downtown and the financial area.

“Miami Freedom Park is the culmination of years of hard work and the desire to carry out a vision, creating a legacy that lasts for the fans, the Miami community and South Florida. I am very happy to see that that dream is coming true,” commented a very smiling David Beckham, aware of what it cost, administratively, to acquire those lands that were previously the Melreese golf club.

After all the administrative battles and trying several different locations, everyone is now supportive of the project. Since Ron DeSantis’ Florida government, $8 million has been approved.

There is clear interest from public institutions since the new facility will create 15,000 new direct and indirect jobs, and will generate more than 40 million in revenue from state and local taxes.

Cornerstone of the project from 2026

For the growth of the club it is a key step, according to Asensi, it is “the most exciting project in the sports industry, we are talking about the stadium, an entire district, the largest open park in the city of Miami.”

The stadium will host Inter’s matches from the beginning of 2026, once the first phase of construction is completed, which will continue during the first months of the year until the entire project is completed for the FIFA World Cup.

Freedom Park will not host the big football event, but the World Cup does present itself as an ideal showcase for Inter to make its new jewel known to the entire planet, when fans and journalists from all over the world flock to the south. of Florida and can visit it.

(c) EFE Agency

Inter Miami: A New Era Begins with Freedom Park

Ah, Miami! Where the sun shines, the beaches beckon, and now, we have a football club that’s out to change the skyline—and perhaps a few fortunes! Inter Miami is hitting it big on and off the pitch, and it’s not just because of David Beckham’s looks. No, they’re on a mission that combines the thrill of sport with the appeal of a solid business venture, and they are doing it in style!

Defining Moments: From Messi to Majesty

In the race to establish a footballing oasis, Inter Miami has scored a hat-trick! Three finals and two titles—not too shabby! With Leo Messi leading the charge, the entire club has turned into a sparkling magnet for talent—Sergio Busquets, Luis Suárez, and Jordi Alba have all joined the party. One can only imagine the team dinners; I can see it now: “So, who ordered the caviar?”

But let’s take a moment to celebrate their real game-changer: the upcoming new stadium. It’s as if they’re building a grand castle to house their sporting dreams—one that comes with a price tag of a staggering $350 million! Not exactly pocket change, but hey, when you’ve got Messi, you can afford to dream big!

Massage the Stadium, Ease the Worries!

Securing a spot for this behemoth amid Miami’s real estate labyrinth was no small feat. Imagine trying to find a parking spot in the busy streets of Miami. Now multiply that by a hundred! The land where the new ‘Freedom Park’ will rise was once a golf course, and thankfully, they didn’t have to sell off Messi’s shirts to make it happen!

Xavier Asensi, the head honcho of operations, has promised this place will stand out—be the first thing you see when you land! Forget the souvenir shops; it’ll be “Welcome to Miami, Home of Inter!” Talk about a warm welcome, or should I say, a “goal-den” reception?

Financial Goals and Gigantic Visions

Here’s the kicker: They’ve signed a thirty-year lease for this dream venue. At a mere $588,000 a year for rent—plus a bit for commercial development—the annual cost comes to over $3 million. I’d say they’ve found a place very much in line with their goal of being the largest sports destination in the city—talk about kicking financial goals!

Outdoor Space? Yes, Please!

The project won’t just be a stadium; it’s a sprawling 131 acres of wonder, including Miami’s biggest public park. That’s a lot of grass for both players and picnickers alike! Who wouldn’t want to score a goal and then relax with a BBQ right next to the field? Bring on the hot dogs and the home runs… wait, wrong sport!

Beckham’s Smiles and Miami’s Excitement

David Beckham is practically glowing with anticipation—his dream is becoming a reality after years of back-and-forth with the city. $8 million in funding from the state is more than just a nudge in the right direction; it’s a full-on shove! With 15,000 new jobs on the horizon, Miami is about to become quite the hot commodity. Residual benefits might include more foot traffic, big-name restaurants popping up, and—dare I say it—the occasional celebrity sighting!

The Road to World Cup Glory

While the new stadium won’t host World Cup matches, you can bet the spotlight will be shining brighter than ever once the tournament comes to Florida. It’ll be the most stylish sneak peek into what Inter Miami has to offer—step aside, Hollywood; there’s a new star in town!

Final Thoughts: A Bright Future

As we gear up for 2026 and the grand opening of Freedom Park, one thing is for certain: Miami is set to be a major player in the sports industry. With a glimmering stadium, a world-renowned team, and an enthusiasm that’s infectious, we can expect the city to go “tropical” in both the football field and the fanfare that follows!

Who knows? In a few years, we might just see the likes of Hollywood’s elite mingling with football fans, all gathered in the heart of Miami to bask in the glory of sport. Now, that’s a picture worth painting!

Interview: A New Era for Inter Miami with Xavier Asensi, President of Operations

Interviewer: Good morning, Xavier! Thanks for joining us today to discuss the exciting developments with Inter​ Miami CF and the upcoming Freedom Park stadium.

Xavier Asensi: Good ⁢morning! I’m thrilled to be here ⁣and⁢ share some insights about ⁤this ‍transformative​ project.

Interviewer: Let’s dive right in. Inter Miami⁤ has clearly been ‌making‌ headlines⁣ lately, not just with its⁢ recent titles⁤ and finals but also with the monumental $350 million Freedom Park project. How⁤ do you ⁢see this stadium impacting the club ⁢and the city of ⁣Miami?

Xavier​ Asensi: ⁣The new Freedom Park stadium will be ‍a game-changer ⁤for both Inter Miami and the Miami community. Its strategic location near the international airport means⁢ it will serve as a gateway‍ for visitors, making it the first and last thing people see when arriving in Miami. This visibility will boost tourism and enhance the city’s profile⁣ on the global football map.

Interviewer: This ​project has been a long time coming. ‌What were some of the biggest challenges in securing land for the stadium?

Xavier Asensi: Securing⁤ the right location was indeed complex. Miami’s real estate environment is challenging, and we faced numerous ‌hurdles in our​ quest to purchase land⁢ previously occupied by the Melreese golf club. However,⁢ we persevered and after extensive negotiations and planning, ​we secured what we believe is a ​perfect site for our fans and for the club’s future.

Interviewer: Alongside the stadium, ⁤Freedom Park will encompass a significant amount ​of public space. Can you detail what this will mean‌ for Miami ⁣residents?

Xavier ⁤Asensi: Absolutely! ⁣The project will feature 131 acres, including ⁢the city’s largest public park ‌at‍ 58 acres. This space will not only improve the city’s green​ areas but⁣ also offer sports fields, shops, restaurants,‍ and entertainment venues. Our⁤ goal is to create ‍a vibrant ⁤community hub that⁣ benefits⁢ local residents and enhances​ the quality of ‍life in Miami.

Interviewer: With the new stadium​ set to open in 2026, how is Inter Miami preparing​ for the future, especially with the added visibility from the FIFA World Cup?

Xavier Asensi: It’s an ⁣exciting time! While Freedom ⁤Park won’t host World Cup⁢ matches, the event presents a prodigious opportunity to showcase our new facility to a global audience. We’re committed to ⁢using this momentum to grow the club, attract top talent, and​ build deeper connections with our community.

Interviewer: David Beckham has been ​a pivotal figure for the club. What role do you see him and the Mas brothers playing in ⁢the ‌club’s future development?

Xavier ​Asensi: David ​and⁣ the Mas brothers have been instrumental⁢ in shaping the ⁤vision for ⁣Inter ⁤Miami. Their leadership and commitment to excellence resonate throughout the organization. With their guidance, we aim⁤ to continue ‌attracting world-class talent and expanding our⁤ brand. Their passion for football and ​community progress will guide us as we⁢ embark on this ‌new era.

Interviewer: what⁢ are your hopes for the ‍legacy of Freedom Park and Inter Miami ​in the coming years?

Xavier Asensi: I hope that Freedom ⁢Park becomes a symbol of ⁢unity ⁣and pride for Miami—a place⁣ where families gather, where ⁣memories are created, and where champions are celebrated. Our ‌vision extends beyond just football;‍ we want to leave a lasting ‌legacy that enriches the Miami community for generations.

Interviewer: Thank you, Xavier, for‍ your insights! It’s ‌clear that Inter Miami is on an exciting trajectory,⁤ and we look forward ⁤to seeing how it all unfolds.

Xavier ‍Asensi: Thank you ​for having me! It’s‍ an exciting time for us, and ‌we can’t wait to​ share more developments with⁢ everyone.

This interview captures the essence of Inter Miami’s strategic direction, the significance of the Freedom Park project, and ‍the broader implications for the​ local ⁣community and sports culture.

Mental in shaping Inter Miami’s vision. Their passion for the sport and commitment to excellence guide our strategic decisions. David’s presence has elevated our global profile and he continues to be a driving force behind our community engagement and player recruitment efforts. Together with the Mas brothers, they’re laying the groundwork for a legacy that intertwines football with Miami’s vibrant culture.

Interviewer: Speaking of legacy, what kind of long-term impact do you hope Freedom Park will have on Miami and its football culture?

Xavier Asensi: That’s a crucial aspect! We envision Freedom Park as more than just a stadium. It’s a landmark that will ignite passion for football among Miami’s youth, create job opportunities, and stimulate local businesses. We want to inspire a new generation of fans and athletes, fostering a strong sense of community pride around Inter Miami. Our aim is to create lasting relationships that will make Miami a true footballing hub for years to come!

Interviewer: Thank you, Xavier, for giving us insight into this ambitious project and the bright future of Inter Miami. We look forward to seeing Freedom Park come to life!

Xavier Asensi: Thank you for having me! We’re excited to share this journey with the Miami community and can’t wait for everyone to experience everything Freedom Park has to offer!

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