Intensifying Tensions in Guinea: Arrests of FNDC Leaders Spark Heated Public Debate and Legal Controversies

Since the arrest of two figures from the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC), Oumar Sylla alias Fonikè Menguè and Billo Bah, a series of accusations and counter-accusations have ignited public debate in Guinea. Civil society activists, the living forces of Guinea, and the government are exchanging reproaches through the media. The FNDC accuses the National Committee for the Rally of Development (CNRD) of being responsible for these arrests, while the government authorities deny any involvement.

Recently, the wives of the arrested activists filed a complaint in France against the president of the Guinean transition, General Mamadi Doumbouya. This legal action was commented on by Vincent Brengarth, lawyer for the FNDC members, during an interview with France24. During a press conference held this Thursday, July 25, 2024, in Conakry, the government spokesperson, Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, responded to the lawyer’s statements.

Ousmane Gaoual criticized Vincent Brengarth’s remarks, claiming that the lawyer had failed in his duty to uphold the truth. “We regret that Mr. Brengarth, instead of sticking to the facts, engages in baseless allegations,” stated the spokesman. He emphasized that the Guinean authorities respect the independence of the judiciary and that any arrest is carried out in accordance with the laws in force.

“For this French lawyer, Mr. Vincent, what he says about Guinea, he can only say that about Guinea and it is here that we can find a relay. I think from the perspective of his profession as a lawyer, this should disturb his colleagues in our country. Because a person is concerned or files a complaint on behalf of citizens who have alerted him about a legitimate concern. But to go so far as to accuse the head of state, accuse the high commander of the gendarmerie, the minister of defense is a very strong statement that could have judicial consequences, including for him. Because we cannot accept everything. You can be legitimately concerned. But when you point fingers at individuals, you should have solid evidence to support that. This kind of statement can only be made elsewhere and about countries like ours and this is not acceptable,” hinted Ousmane Gaoual Diallo.

He also claimed to know for whom the lawyer is working without naming anyone. For the spokesperson of the transitional government, the French lawyer has done everything but defend the truth in this case.

“We know for whom he works, I who speak to you, you know ten years I was in the opposition. He is someone I know very well and I know for what invoice he works. So let’s be very measured. Ask yourself why it is now that all this is coming out. It’s the same three or four people who circulate, who fabricate information, who make it circulate in loops, who will sit in the press to repeat it, who circulate it on social media, who worry and then the next day they themselves are frightened by it. Because France is hosting the Olympic Games, he believes it is a favorable time to throw discredits on the transition. But they are wasting their time because there are Guineans who live here. This lawyer has done everything except defend the truth. His accusations are extremely serious and I hope that judges in our country will verify all this and see what judicial steps to initiate. He is not above the law just because he is sitting in France; people can be prosecuted anywhere,” he indicated.

The Guinean government, through the voice of the Minister of Transport, reiterated its commitment to ensuring a fair judicial process for all citizens, including members of the FNDC. “It is important to allow justice to do its work without political interference,” he added, urging stakeholders to exercise restraint and responsibility.

Mamadou Macka Diallo

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