“Intense phenomena”, surprise in the forecasts –

The heat characterizes the weather these days but there is no lack of “uncertainties”, even with intense phenomena. As usual, Paolo Sottocorona provides the weather forecast on Tg La7. Well, the “few clouds that affect the center and the south are of little consistency”, but those that are seen in the north, especially on the Eastern Alps, “are giving some weak precipitation”. During Wednesday 24 July, however, there will be no lack of “intense phenomena”, with rain expected in the south between Basilicata and Calabria and between Campania and Molise. In the north, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Western Liguria are especially affected.

August is also marked. Giuliacci: Powerful blaze; the scorching days

In short, Sottocorona clarifies, “this instability is not only relegated to the Alpine areas and is starting to be present in other areas as well”. On Thursday, July 25, rain and storms could affect inland areas of Lazio and the north, especially in Western Liguria. On Friday, July 26, very little of this instability remains, explains the meteorologist. In short, towards the weekend, a situation of stability returns while temperatures rise.

#Intense #phenomena #surprise #forecasts #Tempo
2024-07-24 17:38:58



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