Strong emotional management

2024-08-11 03:16:53

It was recently released in theaters. Strong 2The American animated film produced by Pixar for Disney largely takes place in the mind of 13-year-old girl Riley Andersen. The film’s plot revolves around the conflicts unleashed by psychological scenarios between her personified emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, disgust and anger) that shape the teenager’s “sense of identity” through the management of her memories, beliefs and feelings. . .

In Part Two, four new emotions (anxiety, jealousy, shame, and boredom) emerge that explain the transitions adolescents face as they prepare for adult lives filled with responsibility and social competence.

Aristotle’s famous sayings

Since the mid-1990s, philosophy has paid great attention to emotion within the framework of the so-called “emotional turn” in the humanities and social sciences, and has put forward a series of initiatives and suggestions from aspects such as subjectivity theory and body theory. Analysis and study of political theory.

in his book government of emotions (2011), the Spanish philosopher Victoria Camps argues that emotions, however, have been a minor topic for classical philosophers, although managing emotions has always been a concern for them. Aristotle’s famous phrase, elaborated in the Ethics for his son Nemachus, attests to this: “It is easy to be angry. To be angry at the right person at the right time, for the right purpose, in the right way. People get angry; “This is hard. “

According to this way of looking at things, morality is not only about what is right or wrong, what should or should not be done, but also about how we should view it. Being happy about the right things and feeling bad about the wrong things are moral virtues that everyone should pursue and practice.

Bestseller “Emotional Intelligence”

In 1995, American psychologist, journalist, and author Daniel Goleman published a book that became famous for “ emotional intelligence quotient. For better or worse, this bestseller Put this issue on the agenda for large-scale public debate. He even paved the way for some countries to incorporate emotional intelligence into formal education to improve social coexistence.

Like all successful products, it sold half a billion copies in 10 years and was soon followed by countless low-quality imitations of books and courses, the key to which was professional self-help, emotional “management” and “management” in order to rise in the market. Morally, thank you. philosophy and Counseling They seemed to have mutual distrust and contempt for each other on the matter.

hate speech

Today, the emergence of a new wave of hate speech in different political movements around the world creates a challenging and dangerous situation that once again calls attention to the political role of emotions. Hatred, a cursed emotion, is in the strict sense a moral motive that satisfies a requirement for action. People who harbor hatred tend to do more than those who do not feel it, and leaders who successfully exploit this motivation quickly rise in popularity due to their ability and talent to express hatred and bring those who share the same sentiment into the spotlight. People gather together.

Waves move in the opposite direction of Aristotle’s principles: anger, not at the right person, but at anyone; imperfectly, but not in proportion; not at the right time, but now; not for the right purpose, but Without any purpose; not in the right way, but in the most wrong way.

It’s a well-trained skill that will undoubtedly pay off some in this moment in history. Rules hate or hate the government, although that’s a good argument Strong 3seems to be the dramatic dilemma we are witnessing at this moment in history.

#Strong #emotional #management



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