Insufficient Efforts of Federal and Regional Governments in Achieving Belgian Climate Goals: A Closer Look at Flanders’ Role

2023-06-26 19:40:56

President of the national climate commission, Alain Maron notes the insufficiency of the efforts of the federal government and the Regions, particularly Flanders, to achieve the Belgian objective. Flanders is “a sort of eternal climatic deadweight”, denounces the Brussels resident. Article reserved for subscribers Journalist at the Society service By Michel De Muelenaere Published on 06/26/2023 at 21:40 Reading time: 2 min

By 2030, Belgium must have reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 47% compared to 2005 in the non-industrial sectors (transport, building, agriculture, etc.). “Should”, should we rather say. Our country, which must present a draft national “energy-climate” plan to the European Commission before June 30, will not keep the timing. On Monday, the president of the national climate commission which brings together the four competent ministers, the Brussels resident Alain Maron (Ecolo), announced that he was giving up presenting a draft document, considering that Flanders’ contribution to the collective effort was insufficient. “The other governments refused to accept the Flemish climate plan. They put the knife to the throat of Flemish democracy,” complained Flemish Minister Zuhal Demir (N-VA). “It’s unprecedented.”

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