Instructions from EODY: How to avoid smoke inhalation in the event of a fire

The smoke from the fire that has been raging for the last few hours in northeastern Attica, can create serious health problems, especially for people who belong to vulnerable groups, warns EODY.

The National Public Health Agency has issued a series of recommendations aimed at protecting the public from the effects of secondhand smoke, offering a guide to safely dealing with these situations.

In particular, it is recommended:

Removal from the danger area

In cases where conditions permit, the first and most effective action is to move away from the area affected by the smoke. This recommendation is particularly important when exposure to smoke is intense and prolonged. Removal from the area allows the body to recover from exposure to harmful particles while protecting the respiratory system from further irritation.

Restriction of movements and stay in closed spaces

When removal from the area is not possible, o EODY recommends that you limit your movements and stay indoors for as long as the phenomenon remains active (unless, of course, the evacuation of the area has been requested). Staying indoors can significantly reduce smoke exposure as long as certain precautions are taken.

To ensure indoor air quality, make sure windows and doors remain closed, limiting the entry of smoke from the outside environment.

In addition, use air conditioning with an indoor air recirculation function, while ensuring that the system’s filters are well maintained and working properly. This action can help remove particles that may have entered the space.

Avoiding activities that may aggravate the condition

It is also important to avoid activities that can worsen indoor air quality, such as smoking indoors and using an electric or conventional vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming can redistribute smoke particles that have been deposited on surfaces, thus worsening the quality of the air you breathe.

Fresh air and outdoor activities

During times when the outdoor atmosphere clears of smoke, be sure to ventilate the indoor spaces by opening the windows. Air renewal is important to remove particles trapped indoors during the presence of smoke.

According to newsbeast, regarding outdoor activities, EODY recommends avoiding them as long as there is smoke in the air. Outdoor exposure can worsen symptoms caused by smoke inhalation, especially in people with respiratory or cardiovascular problems. If it is absolutely necessary to go outside, be sure to wear a high-protection mask, such as N95, FFP2, or KN95, which can filter out harmful smoke particles.

Prevention and hygiene of your body

Physical exertion during exposure to smoke should be avoided, as it can worsen the condition of the organism. Additionally, drinking plenty of water and fluids is essential, especially during periods of heavy smoke, to keep your body hydrated and help flush out toxins.

Treating symptoms and seeking medical help

If you notice symptoms such as a persistent cough, difficulty breathing, tightness or pain in the chest, fast heart rate, nausea, unusual tiredness or dizziness, it is important to seek medical help immediately. These symptoms may indicate excessive smoke exposure, which requires immediate treatment to prevent more serious health effects.

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