institutional investors concentrate nearly 40% of volumes in the 3rd quarter

“The structure of investors on the stock market during the third quarter of 2022 remains marked by the weight of domestic legal entities. On the stock market of the central compartment, Moroccan legal entities concentrate 39% of the volume of this third quarter with almost the same share as the previous quarter and UCITS represent 37% of the volume, down 3 percentage points compared to the second quarter of 2022”, indicates the AMMC in its report on the profile of stock market investors in Q3-2022.

Moroccan natural persons account for 12% and foreign legal persons represent 10%, up 4 percentage points more than in Q2-2022, notes the same source.

The said report shows that the overall quarterly volume of trade on the central and block markets stood at 8 billion dirhams (MMDH) in the 3rd quarter of 2022, once morest 14.2 billion MAD in the same period in 2021, down by 44%.

By market, exchanges on the central compartment total an amount of 5.5 billion dirhams, or 68% of the overall volume, while block transactions represent 32%, or 2.5 billion dirhams.

As for the bond market, it recorded during this quarter, a transactional volume of 82 million dirhams (MDH), divided between the central market (33.6%) and the block market (66.4%).

On the indicator side, the Casablanca Stock Exchange indices experienced a contrasting evolution in the third quarter of 2022.

The AMMC report indicates that following the increase recorded during the month of August and which was maintained until September 26, 2022, the two indices respectively fell by 4.75% for the MASI and by 4.71% for the MSI20 during the last four stock market sessions of September, bringing their respective levels since the start of the year to -13.1% and -13.7%.

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