Institute for the Protection of Natural Health Should we be wary of visceral fat?

2023-05-01 08:25:28

Dear friend, dear friend,

Visceral fat, also called abdominal fat, is the fat that surrounds the internal organs in the abdomen(1).

Your body needs to store fat, it’s a biological reality(2).

It is housed in adipose tissue thanks to fat cells also called adipocytes.

This fat storage allows your body to have energy in reserve(2).

It is also useful to preserve it from the cold.

These fatty tissues would even have an immune role: they would protect once morest infections(3) !

In the past, we knew that those who were a little plump had a better chance of overwintering. !

On the other hand, excess visceral fat is bad for your health in fat people as well as in thin people.

Because it is, alas, possible to store excess fat without realizing it(3,4).

Body fire!

Doctors now know why this accumulation of internal fat is harmful(3,4).

They believe it causes chronic inflammation in the body.

It’s as if your body is under attack all the time and your immune system is constantly responding to these attacks.(5).

Except that an immune system on permanent alert is exhausted(6).

And it can damage your health.

Watch out, fats are taking action!

Visceral fat is not amorphous. His metabolism is working. Sometimes he is even very active(7).

This induces an overproduction of hormones, or signals that can put the immune system on high alert(7,8).

For example, visceral fat can trigger the production of cytokines which are proteins that send signals to the immune system(8).

When too many cytokines are produced, the immune system responds and causes inflammation in the body(9).

The problem is that you don’t feel anything.

Scientists call this low-grade inflammation. It’s a silent phenomenon(10).

It is an unwarranted state of alert.

Conversely, when you bump into a piece of furniture and your skin turns red on the struck area, it is a visible and justified inflammation.

Visceral fat and insulin

Visceral fat can also cause insulin resistance(11,12).

In this case, the cells of the body respond less to the action of insulin.

Insulin is a hormone. It is secreted by specific cells of the pancreas(12).

It allows you to permanently regulate your glycemia, that is to say your level of sugar in the blood.(12).

When your body responds less to insulin, the pancreas may become exhausted while blood sugar levels rise.

But it also induces an increased production of cytokines which in turn cause inflammation. Ultimately, this situation triggers type II diabetes.(12,13).

These are vicious circles that absolutely must be countered as quickly as possible.

Because inflammation disrupts the functioning of certain fat cells which begin to store more.

This has the effect of increasing visceral fat stores which causes inflammation.

The circle is complete.

Skinny and fat at the same time…

It’s possible to be lean and still have extra visceral fat(11).

Here is the trap!

Because this fat accumulates without us realizing it.

Thin, even skinny people with visceral fat don’t know it and don’t notice it until it’s too late.

The problem is that visceral fat accumulation is a risk factor for many diseases, most notably:

  • cardiovascular illnesses : low-grade inflammation damages blood vessels and causes atherosclerosis. This is the deposit of plaques called fatty atheroma on the walls of the arteries.(14). The arteries, especially if they lack flexibility, then risk clogging. The blood does not circulate more or less well. There is an increased risk of thrombosis, stroke or myocardial infarction(15,16).
  • obesity: the thin person risks not being so for a long time. While his internal metabolism is disturbed, the risk of rapid weight gain is there without the patient suspecting it.(17).
  • type II diabetes: insulin resistance is the step that leads to prediabetes and then to type II diabetes. The risk of becoming diabetic would be twice as high in those who have visceral fat than in those who do not.(18).
  • colon, breast, prostate, pancreatic and kidney cancers which are directly associated with chronic inflammation even though scientists don’t yet understand all the reasons why(19,7).

All these health problems are, in fact, linked to metabolic disorders that cause inflammation and increase the risk of DNA mutation and therefore cancer.(20).

In short, what matters is the attention you pay to the proper functioning of your body.

Even if the genetic dispositions and the family history of each one count, the way of life remains fundamental.

It’s possible that you have type II diabetes in your family or have trouble burning fat.

If so, you may need specific support from a nutritionist.

But whatever your background and your family atavisms, the following five principles can help your body function.

Food: 5 principles will help you avoid storing too much visceral fat

  1. Stay hydrated enough by drinking quality water, for example filtered by charcoal. It is often advisable to drink at least a liter to a liter and a half of water per day(21).
  1. Eat vegetables at every mealbreakfast included(22).
  1. Consume fresh, whole and complete products. Thus, your fruits and vegetables, your seeds and your cereals will deliver you more vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and nutrients. Avoid mixing them too much, keep the pieces, keep the skins when possible, eat the tops and roots when it suits you(23)
  1. Avoid industrial and processed products. These products contain additives, preservatives, too much salt, sometimes sugar and too many empty calories. They are not good for your metabolism(24).
  1. Choose natural or organic products. Products from conventional chemical agriculture contain many pesticides and heavy metals that will be stored in fat. Their presence in your body only increases metabolic disorders(25).

Sleep and physical activity to complete your program

You will not be surprised to read that sport and physical activity are excellent ways to reduce visceral fat present in the body(26).

This is true in obese people or not(26,27).

In addition, lack of sleep would increase your visceral fat by 9%(28).

One of the ways to improve your sleep is to adopt daily routines by going to bed at the same time every day.

You can also have a light dinner 3 hours before sleeping.

And you can also turn off all screens before going to sleep(29).

Books or board games are then a pleasant alternative to spend a nice evening!

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Protection #Natural #Health #wary #visceral #fat



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