2023-06-29 13:13:58
By Simon Flückiger/June 29, 2023/ 6 Views
Dear friend, dear friend,
Those who have already tried it know how effective this plant is.
This equatorial plant has a powerful effect on the liver.
It cleans, detoxifies and protects it.
It can be used in prevention, as a light cure to soothe a feeling of heaviness, or as an accompaniment to treatment.
Have you guessed which plant I’m talking regarding?
It’s regarding desmodium adscendenscommonly known as desmodium.
This plant is recommended by well-informed herbalists and doctors as a complement to the treatment of viral hepatitis, in particular A and B(1).
In general, desmodium is an excellent plant for the liver (1).
Is your transaminase level normal?
When the liver is malfunctioning, for example if it is saturated with toxins or fats or both, this can cause an excess of transaminases in the blood.
Transaminases are enzymes, ie proteins, which are used to make your body work(2,3).
There are two types: ASAT or TGO transaminases.
The levels considered “normal” are:
6 to 30 IU/L for AST level. 6 to 35 IU/L for AST level.
(IU/L = international unit per litre)
Where does excess transaminases come from?
Excess transaminases can also be linked to cell damage in the liver, heart, kidneys or muscles.
It may be due to a metabolic disease such as type II diabetes or obesity or even an autoimmune disease (2,3).
It is sometimes accompanied by great fatigue, nausea or jaundice(2,3).
Sometimes lifestyle is to blame: excess transaminase can be the result(2,3):
a diet too rich in sucrose, heavy alcohol consumption, excessive sporting activity, excessive consumption of drugs: contraceptives, antiepileptics or paracetamol.
Either way, desmodium can help unclog and detoxify your liver. (1.4)
Stress, digestive disorders and lack of energy….
Here are three symptoms that may indicate that your liver is working too hard right now.
Maybe you find it difficult to get up in the morning or you feel your body is working following meals to the point of preventing you from doing anything else!
In this case, desmodium can be an effective aid.
Your liver is your big filter(5).
It is he who treats the toxic substances that pass through your body whether they are of internal or external origin(5)…
It’s normal that every once in a while you need a little help with all of its metabolic functions.
Complementary treatment in case of chemotherapy
Few complementary treatments are accepted by oncologists in addition to the chemotherapies they prescribe.
Desmodium is rather an exception to the rule and today most oncologists agree that patients should use it as a supplement(4,6).
However, depending on the type of molecules used, the effectiveness of desmodium may vary(6).
It is therefore preferable to discuss it with your doctor if you wish to take desmodium and the advice of a competent herbal therapist will no doubt be good to take too, even if, alas, this does not run the streets either!
In what form will you find desmodium?
Desmodium adscendens is a herbaceous plant, that is to say a grass rather than a tree or a shrub, which flourishes under the sun of the tropics and even of the equator.
In the wild, desmodium is a creeping or climbing plant that wraps around the trunks of cocoa or oil palm trees.
Its stems are long and thin and covered with fine hairs. They are adorned with rounded green leaves. It is these parts, the stems and leaves, that are used for desmodium remedies.
At your herbalist you should be able to find bulk plants to make, herbal teas, powder to take in a glass of water or capsules to swallow(1,4).
You will also find it in the form of drinkable solutions, which is good too (4).
The whole thing is to find the galenic that suits you best, the one that will make you think regarding doing your cure!
Where does desmodium come from?
It is found in Africa and Latin America(4).
It is a plant used in traditional medicine for example in Cameroon to treat jaundice and more generally the liver.
However, it was not until 1979 that the plant was introduced to France by the spouses and doctors, Pierre and Anne-Marie Tubéry(7).
These two therapists practiced in a dispensary in Cameroon where they were made aware of the benefits of desmodium for the liver.
Their work and since then many others have confirmed the effectiveness of this plant in fighting once morest the attacks suffered by the liver, whether they come from drugs, alcohol, viruses, bacteria or parasites(7 ).
Can we plant desmodium in the garden?
Desmodium adscendens can be planted even in Europe but it fears the cold. A temperature below 5 degrees can be fatal(8).
It needs well-drained soil and sun. It is often grown along a wall so that it can cling to it(5).
It is likely, moreover, that your desmodium having grown in a temperate climate is less rich than that which grows in West Africa.
This is what Maurice Mességué noticed with his medicinal plants between the Gers and the Paris region(9).
When they had grown under the generous sun of the Gers, his plants gave much better results than those of Paris.
And milk thistle?
In France, there is another very effective plant to cleanse the liver.
You surely know it: it is milk thistle or silybum marianum(10).
Both herbs act similarly, but milk thistle is known to both protect the liver and eliminate toxins while desmodium also provides deep drainage(11).
The two plants complement each other, however.
And that is why, sometimes, you will find them associated.
Naturally yours,
Augustine of Livois
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