Institute for the Protection of Natural Health Council of the Order of Physicians against Henri Joyeux

2023-09-19 14:39:48

Dear friend, dear friend,

On September 1, the National Council of the Order of Physicians banned Professor Henri Joyeux from practicing medicine.(1).

This sanction begins from January 1, 2024.

This is not a write-off.

Professor Joyeux has been retired for a long time. This is why he was able to say in the media “as I no longer exercise, it doesn’t change anything in my life, I remain happy!(2)

The Order reigns with terror over doctors

But this conviction is not only for him.

It aims to serve as a warning to any doctor who dares to go once morest official medical doxa.

It is added to a long series of decisions by the Order once morest its doctors(2).

And, once once more, this decision is deeply unfair and dangerous.

There are two main reasons for this:

1/ she wears violation of freedom of expression,

2/ it relies on a inaccurate characterization of the factswhich is, in my opinion, much more serious.

The return of the arbitrary

Indeed, the transformation of facts and statements by judges means the return of arbitrariness in our country.

This is all the more marked as the conventional media go in the direction of this false analysis of the Council of the Order.

Professor Joyeux is accused of having been anti-vax. Nothing might be further from the truth!

And this has also been criticized by those who are once morest vaccines. But that’s another subject.

The alert given by Professor Joyeux

In May 2015, Professor Henri Joyeux launched a petition to alert citizens to the disappearance of the DTP (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Poliomyelitis) vaccine which had been withdrawn from pharmacies in France(3,4).

He explains that this vaccine was safe and cheap. It only cost €6.54.

It corresponded perfectly to the vaccination obligation at the time which only concerned these three vaccines.

What DTP vaccine, defended by Professor Joyeuxwas surreptitiously replaced by another product which costs 6 times more!

This is a way, neither seen nor known, to increase your profits! Fortunately someone was able to spot the anomaly!

Forced passage for a vaccine suspected of causing multiple sclerosis

The new vaccine imposed on the masses at the time contained 6 strains, including hepatitis B, which was controversial.

The Court of Cassation recognized in 2009 that there might be a causal link between the hepatitis B vaccine and multiple sclerosis.(5).

Unsurprisingly, since this decision, many people have less desire to be vaccinated once morest this sexually transmitted disease.

As luck would have it, the DTP vaccine, which corresponded to the vaccination obligation, was removed and replaced by a hexavalent containing hepatitis B concomitantly.

By integrating this vaccine into the six vaccines grouped together in a single product, the pharmaceutical industry has found a nice trick to pass its disputed vaccine.

Who denounced this scandal? Professor Joyeux.

1 million supporters

Professor Joyeux’s call was heard by many French people.

His petition first gathered 750,000 signatures then more than 1 million(3,4).

And this sparked debates and other initiatives.

3,500 citizens decided to contact the Council of State with Maître Jacqueline Bergel(6).

The Council of State validated Professor Joyeux’s analysis

Two requests were made. One challenged the forced sale of three vaccines.

The vaccination obligation, at the time, covered three vaccines. The industry gave no choice but to take six.

The second refused the use of aluminum, a dangerous neurotoxicant, as an adjuvant(6).

On the first question, the Council of State agreed with Professor Joyeux.

On February 8, 2017, the Council of State recognized that(7,8) :

for several years, no vaccine corresponding only to the legal obligations for vaccination of children under eighteen months, provided for by articles L. 3111-2 and L. 3111-3 of the public health code, has been marketed in France.”

On the second, the highest French administrative court simply said that in the current state of scientific research, it might not comment.

Antivax? Who is anti-vax?

Professor Joyeux is condemned for having “lacked caution” and the media accuse him of being anti-vax.

We are still talking regarding an action taken in defense of the DTP vaccine!

But antivax is a practical word, a bit like conspiracist. We accuse a citizen of being anti-vax and this allows us to deny him the right to participate in public debate.

The truth is that very few people dare to be anti-vax in France.

Vaccination coverage, I am talking regarding compulsory vaccines, is greater than 90%(9) !

The remaining 5% to 10% are those who have had to deal with side effects from the vaccines.

And these people, threaten all you want, they won’t change their minds.

A doctor who fought for prevention

In this case, we are talking regarding a doctor whose service record is impeccable.

A doctor who, on the whole, faithfully followed the conventions of his profession although he placed more emphasis on prevention than the others.

By launching his petitions, his only fault is to have denounced a dysfunction in his country’s health policy and to have highlighted the dangerous collusion that exists between the interests of the pharmaceutical industry and those of the State.

The decision once morest him, and the media campaign that followed, had only one goal: to discredit the words of a courageous whistleblower!

We must dissolve or reform the National Council of the Order of Physicians!

Professor Joyeux is accused of having been alarmist on the issue of vaccines.

This criticism is surreal. It is all the more comical as we are emerging from a period of health terror with covid 19.

And the Order of Physicians played its role in this tragicomedy.

Doctors who sought solutions once morest covid 19 were systematically prosecuted.

This was the case, for example, for Lorraine doctors who successfully used azithromycin once morest Sars CoV 2(10).

We did not blame them for the good results they obtained but for the fact that they talked regarding it!

The Order does not pursue charlatans. He specifically pursues two types of doctors:

  • those who innovate outside the paths traced by the pharmaceutical industry or the administration;
  • those who point out the flaws in the system.

On the other hand, as shown by an edifying report from the Court of Auditors in 2019, the CNOM has been rather lax in pursuing colleagues accused of sexual assault. Real criminals and sex offenders are not prosecuted(11,12) !

This report also denounces serious failures in the management of the Council of the Order and notes that a large part of the doctors who sit on it are retired men disconnected from the realities on the ground.(11,12).

In short, this institution must change.

Its failures have prevented doctors from providing treatment for too long.

Indeed, how can a profession evolve if it hears no criticism and accepts no innovation?

It’s time to end the witch hunt!

Finally, doctors who appear before the Council of the Order are often poorly prepared for the treatment they will receive.

We mock them, we don’t listen to them.

You must read the excellent book by Sylvie Simon, Orders and disorders to take the measure or all the books by Pierre Lance!

How many doctors have been banned from practicing, how many have been disbarred, how many have given up their weapons, or even committed suicide because of these unjust attacks?

And it’s been going on for years!

It is time to transform the Order, to make it an association supporting doctors and not a witch-hunting organization.

Why is justice for doctors outside of traditional justice?

We might perfectly imagine that only justice would be qualified to condemn doctors who deserve it.

The Order would simply have an advisory role.

Its real role would be to help young doctors get established, to convey messages of prevention, to take their freedom from the pharmaceutical industry, to encourage the development of humane, ecological, sustainable medicine, listening to patients and caregivers…

How many unfair procedures will doctors – and by extension their patients – have to undergo before we decide to change this institution?

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

PS: If you think that the reform of the Council of the Order of Physicians is an emergency, that you are revolted by their abuses and that you want to put an end to this scandalous situation, click here.

#Institute #Protection #Natural #Health #Council #Order #Physicians #Henri #Joyeux



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