Institute for Natural Health Protection You lose weight while sleeping!

2023-09-13 07:06:20

Dear friend, dear friend,

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of life(1).

A priori, you spend more time sleeping than eating, at least I hope so.

But it’s also a time when, once morest all odds, you will lose weight(2) !

Even though your body is lying down, it is not inert.

Your mind is resting but your subconscious is active. Your dreams are used in particular to “sort” or “process” the information and emotions of the day. They’re like nighttime therapy(3).

Your muscles are resting but many systems in your body are working.

Your respiratory, digestive, endocrine systems, etc. are active(4).

They need energy.

And since sleep is also a time of fasting, the energy they use comes from the glucose and fat stores you have.

In other words, when you sleep, your body burns calories(5).

Eat less or burn more?

Because there are two main ways to try to lose weight(6) :

  • Limit food intake
  • Help the body burn calories

Knowing, moreover, that there is no equality when it comes to weight. Some people “burn” easily while others have more difficulty(6,7).

The good news is that you can help your body burn fat better while you sleep.

How ? By trying to “configure” your metabolism as best as possible.

The more you take care of your sleep and the functioning of your body during it, the more your body will be able to lose weight.(2,4).

Lack of sleep disrupts the functioning of hormones

Good sleep and healthy regulation of your hormones will help you not gain weight, or even lose it.

One of your enemies must be, for example, lack of sleep. Because it acts directly on two hormones important for weight: leptin and ghrelin(4,8).

Leptin regulates the nervous system and triggers the feeling of fullness. It is active when you have your fill of hours of sleep, which is eight hours for the majority of people. a wise man(9).

Conversely, ghrelin makes your body say: I’m hungry! It activates if you go below the number of hours of sleep you need.

Lack of sleep also affects(9) :

  • L’adiponectine which acts on the oxidation of fats through metabolism: it helps burn fat and reduces inflammation, which plays a major role in weight gain
  • Insulin secretion which can decrease or on the body’s resistance to insulin, which weakens the processing of sugars which are no longer transformed into fats
  • Le glucagon which converts fat into energy

Control cortisol to sleep better and lose weight!

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. He wakes you up(10).

This is useful for facing the challenges of the day. You need it.

But in the evening, his activity must be calmed(10).

Indeed, cortisol can increase your body’s resistance to insulin and therefore disrupt sugar management.

It can also keep you awake and prevent you from sleeping or disrupt your sleep.

So it’s good for your stress level to drop, which will cause cortisol to drop.

This means that from 6 or 7 p.m., it is good for you to switch to “quiet mode”.

Avoid, if you can, too tense conversations in the evening.

If a difficult topic needs to be discussed, you can try scheduling a time during the day or weekend to have this discussion(4).

And don’t hesitate to block a time slot for this and plan a walk or a relaxing activity following this exchange.

Screens in the evening don’t help.

The information that reaches you will often tend to keep you in a state of alert, not to mention that blue light keeps your eyes alert.(11).

The ideal would be to be able to put away your computers and other tablets an hour or two before going to sleep.

You can also opt for a good laugh session with the family, at the table or following dinner or for a time of meditation or reading(4).

These activities will allow you to activate your parasympathetic nervous system, the one that helps you let go(12).

Nothing like it to help you get the sleep you need!

Light also matters…

Try to eat dinner at least two or three hours before bed.

This has many advantages.

The first is quite simple: your digestion will have started well and you will not digest while you sleep. The latter will therefore be less troubled(13).

Another less expected reason is that it gives you a better chance of dining with light.

However, eating in the dark is not ideal for your metabolism(4).

Because when darkness sets in, your melatonin level rises, which pushes you towards sleep.(4,14).

The opposite happens in the morning, when the sun’s rays stream in through your bedroom window. Melatonin drops and it wakes you up(15).

However, melatonin strengthens insulin resistance.

The higher your insulin levels, the less sugar is metabolized by your body. It increases your risk of diabetes but can also cause you to gain weight(4).

This also means that when you eat following dark, you need a light meal with foods with a low glycemic index.(13).

Similarly, melatonin supplements may impact insulin resistance(4) !

If you are tempted to consume these products, take the time to talk to your doctor or nutritionist first!

And finally: a big thank you to growth hormone!

Growth hormone regenerates muscle mass. It transforms fat into muscle(4,9).

However, while you sleep, your body produces more.

So, the 15 minutes more sleep that you took this morning will have allowed you to gain, in addition to a little energy, a little fat transformed into muscle!

It’s always a catch!

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Natural #Health #Protection #lose #weight #sleeping



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