Institute for Natural Health Protection UK excess cardiovascular mortality remains at high levels

2023-07-14 14:51:01

By Simon Flückiger/July 14, 2023/ 12 Views

Dear friend, dear friend,

A few days ago, a reader sent me an important alert. This is a video by Professor John Campbell explaining that excess cardiovascular mortality worldwide has been well above normal for over three years. What’s going on(1)?

Professor Campbell is a biologist. He was a nurse himself and then a teacher in a nursing school. He has also participated in various scientific works(2).

He also earned a doctorate in philosophy.

He is a man who seems to have come out of another time.

Someone like only the English system seems to know how to do: he is both a man of heart and field, but also an accomplished scientist and a man trained in the humanities.

He touched patients, he treated them in the hospital, he gave them injections or administered infusions, and at the same time he knows how to read a scientific study perfectly while being able to develop a vision on what he does and what he thinks(2).

This allows him to be competent and free at the same time.

In a well-functioning healthcare system, all caregivers should be more or less able to do the same.

If there is one area where professionals deserve to know how to combine the heart, the head and a certain ethics, it is that of care.

A little publication that looks like nothing…

Professor John Campbell analyzes an article from the British Heart Foundation expressing concern regarding the cardiovascular situation in the United Kingdom(3).

John Campbell states from the outset that the interest of this document lies in what it says and what it does not say(1).

The first information is in the title: since the start of the pandemic, i.e. February 2020, there would have been nearly 100,000 people dead in addition to the normal(3).

The exact figure quoted by the article is 96540(3).

Campbell says this data is consistent with what is found in national records.

This gives an average of 500 additional deaths per week linked to a heart problem!

A critical situation

These figures are by no means trivial.

If the media made as much noise regarding these deaths as regarding those of 2020, when covid was there and we were waiting for treatment, everyone would be panicked!

People would rush to their doctors to check their blood pressure and general health.

But this is not the case.

The fact goes completely unnoticed.

What causes does the British Heart Foundation consider?

For the Foundation’s experts, in 2020, this number of deaths from cardiovascular disease can easily be explained by the Covid-19 epidemic.

And on this, Campbell agrees(1,3).

Cardiovascular disease was the second cause of death caused by Covid-19 following respiratory and pulmonary disorders.

But how to explain that these bad figures continue in 2021, then in 2022, then once more in 2023?

A beginning of explanation…

The Foundation explains that one of the obvious reasons for this excess cardiovascular mortality is the lack of prevention.

A second reason mentioned is Covid-19: those who have had it are more likely to have subsequent cardiovascular problems than those who have not been infected.

That’s right, Campbell tells us, but that doesn’t take into account the vaccination that came in from 2021.

The Foundation adds that the lack of responsiveness of the healthcare system must also be blamed.

The disorganization of the health system, linked in part to the pandemic, has affected the quality of services.

And it now takes an average of 30 minutes before the emergency services intervene.

In December 2022, this intervention time even increased to 90 minutes on average!

However, we know that in the event of a heart attack or stroke, every minute counts.

This criterion is therefore valid.

Are these three elements sufficient to explain the increase in figures?

Beyond the seas…

Campbell remains doubtful.

Because if he raises his head and leaves the British figures, he finds that the increase or the persistence of cardiovascular deaths is present in all English-speaking countries.

In December 2022, excess cardiovascular mortality compared to 2019 was(1):

41% in Ireland; 35% in the Netherlands; 26% in the UK; 21% in Australia; 20% in the United States; 20% in Canada; 17% in New Zealand.

A few months later in May 2023, the excess cardiovascular mortality figures in these countries remain high, even if they have fallen(1):

14% in Ireland; 6% in the Netherlands; 14% in the UK; 7% in the United States; 22% in New Zealand.

Remember that these are numbers related to excess mortality.

In none of these countries has the situation returned to what it was before 2019.

Excess mortality in France: the problem would not come from the cardiovascular system

Campbell does not look at what is happening in our country.

On the other hand, we have a report from INSEE(4).

The year 2022 was a record year in terms of excess all-cause mortality.

There were more than 53,800 more deaths than expected(4).

2022 was worse than 2020 and 2021.

There were 9% more deaths than expected in 2022 compared to 7% in 2021 and 8% in 2020.

July and December 2022 were particularly deadly: +13% in July and +25% in December(4).

INSEE highlights heat waves and bad flu(4,5).

INSEE, on the other hand, does not seem to emphasize excess cardiovascular mortality.

Noteworthy fact, however: the excess mortality has also hit young people.

It is +16% among women aged 15 to 34 and 8% among men of the same age(4).

In 2021, this figure was +3% for both sexes(4).

But what did all these young people die of in France?

INSEE evokes a slight increase in road accidents and is silent on the rest.

We know, however, that among young people from countries that have been massively vaccinated, the rate of myocarditis has skyrocketed.

It was a very rare pathology, but it has increased everywhere. And in 18% of cases, the young people ended up in intensive care(6).

In conclusion…

These years of epidemics seem to have weakened the health of populations in the Western world.

Experts do not agree among themselves on the causes of this enduring fragility.

Some think it is a prolonged effect of Covid-19, others think that mass vaccination might also be involved.

It seems to me that the fear engendered by the media on the occasion of this pandemic and the disorganization of health systems have not helped either.

In the meantime, the truth of the day is that prevention has never been more important than it is today.

Take care of your heart by adopting a Mediterranean lifestyle, going outside to enjoy the sun and leaving yesterday’s fears behind.

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Natural #Health #Protection #excess #cardiovascular #mortality #remains #high #levels



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