Institute for Natural Health Protection Multiple Sclerosis: 3 plants that can help [un peu]

2023-12-01 14:40:35

Scientists call it Oenothera biennis but in the Muslim world, it is called “adhan flower”(8,9).

And, in fact, this flower opens at dusk, at the time when in certain Muslim countries the call to prayer is sounded.

In France, it was called evening primrose, belle de nuit or donkey grass.(5).

This plant, like nigella, is known to accompany pre-menstrual disorders(5).

She is too anti-inflammatorywhich means that we recommend it once morest rheumatoid arthritis(5,8,9).

Evening primrose seed oil in particular is very beneficial. It is often used to accompany eczema, psoriasis, scabies, pruritus or dry skin.(5,8,9).

It would also be indicated to moderate autoimmune disorders and might slow down relapses in relapsing-remitting MS or reduce their effects(10).

This elegant tree which can reach 40 meters is also an extraordinary therapist(5).

It is sometimes called the silver apricot tree, the tree of forty crowns, the tree of heaven, the tree of life or the Japanese walnut.(5).

Surprisingly, unlike other medicinal plants, ginkgo biloba has not been used for that long(12,13).

It was ignored by Chinese pharmacopoeia for millennia.

In Asia, where this tree comes from, only its kernel was consumed.

It was part of cooking but was not considered a therapeutic remedy.

It was from a medical treatise by Li Shizhen, a renowned Chinese doctor and herbalist from the 16th century that Asian therapists became interested in ginkgo biloba.

This monumental text is called the Bencǎo Gāngmù(12).

And Europe followed a little over a century later, when a Dutch doctor, Engelbert Kaempfer, discovered it in Japan(12).

It is a fascinating tree with a lifespan of at least 1,000 years. Some specimens over 3000 years old are still alive in China.

It is its leaves that interest herbalists and phytotherapists. They are dried then consumed as herbal tea, powder or capsules.(5).

Ginkgo biloba facilitates the supply of oxygen through the blood to the tissues. It is excellent for prevent thrombosis and atherosclerosis(5).

It promotes the circulation sanguine in the brain, but also in the extremities. It is good once morest dizziness and cellular aging(5).

It is used once morest cold hands and feet.

But it is also a excellent anti-inflammatory(5,14).

In any case, it is because of this quality that researchers wanted to test it in the support of MS.(15).

A 2006 study compared two groups of patients, one took 240 mg of ginkgo biloba leaves per day (4 capsules of 60 mg), the other took nothing in particular.

The group that consumed ginkgo biloba was overall less tired, less anxious and saw their symptoms slightly reduced.(15).

It’s not a cure, but it’s still worth it!

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Natural #Health #Protection #Multiple #Sclerosis #plants #peu



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