Institute for Natural Health Protection A word on procrastination – read without delay!

2024-02-14 14:07:46

Simply put, they procrastinate more when they are alone and when the work involved is both more creative and abstract.

Furthermore, 50% of students believe that their procrastination is both chronic and problematic. They suffer from it.

According to this study, students procrastinate for three main reasons: they are distracted by something else, they feel like they are overworked, or they are bored.

1/ Eat a protein breakfast: when you eat eggs in the morning with good vegetables, you give structure and energy to your body. Protein helps your microbiota produce serotonin and dopamine which give you energy and strengthen your willpower.

2/ Adopt rituals: if certain everyday things bore you, the best thing is to get into the habit of doing them without thinking about them.

If you get into the habit of taking out the trash at the same time every day, you’ll eventually stop thinking about it.

3/ Work as a team: as improbable as it may seem, the thing that annoys you the most may fascinate your colleague or your partner.

Conversely, there may be something you love doing that those around you dread.

Sharing good practices can reduce procrastination. You no longer take care of tasks that seem like mountains to you, but you easily do what is painful for others: everyone wins! The rest is negotiated…

Furthermore, as we have seen among students, loneliness in the face of a difficulty increases the risk of procrastination.

Thus, a study showed that people in relationships tend to go to bed earlier and at a regular pace.

Yes, sleep can also be procrastinated…

4/ Give yourself 5-minute breaks for every 25-minute working period. This allows you to recover while having effective working time. This is the Pomodoro method(7).

5/ Break down the missions to be completed. For example, rather than telling a child “tidy up your room” which, in some cases, sounds like moving a mountain, you can advise them to start with a certain category of objects (books for example) or a particular area. clearly defined in the room.

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6/ Set yourself goals the night before for the next day: firstly, you will gain this organizational time in the morning, secondly, this allows you to know straight away what you have to do when you get up.

7/ Don’t set too many goals to accomplish in a day and give yourself real breaks.

Finally, my last recommendation would be to treat yourself with kindness.

You also have the right to be tired, you have the right to take a breather.

And if your body has taken you into an unforeseen distraction, if your day has been punctuated with detours, it is because it is like life: full of variations, with ups and downs, joys and penalties.

Tomorrow will come and yesterday will be forgotten.

You will have another chance to be able to procrastinate… or not.

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

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