Institute for Natural Health Protection 5 good reasons to walk every day

2023-06-01 14:48:17

Dear friend, dear friend,

The simplest things are often the most effective. This is also true for health.

Walking, the fact of moving around by taking small steps, is a decisive act of prevention.

In a society where everything urges you to sit with your eyes glued to your screen, it’s almost an act of resistance.

In any case, walking brings you many benefits.

I detail some of them below.

1/ Walking every day is good for the heart and reduces cardiovascular mortality

The fact has been known since 1949.

A study by epidemiologist Dr Morris found that on double-decker buses, ticket collectors who walked up and down the steps all day had nearly two times less risk of dying from a heart problem than their colleagues, bus drivers, who sat all day(1).

The study followed these workers for 20 years.

It concerned 31,000 people whose standard of living and way of life was, moreover, homogeneous.(1).

This work was confirmed by a second publication which compared postal employees: between the counter clerks, who remained seated behind the glass and the postmen who walked or pedaled to deliver the mail, the heart risk was very different(1).

Each time, the sedentary risked dying earlier than those who moved.

Long live the walk!

2/ Walking brings joy and reduces the risk of depression

When you walk for half an hour, your body is better off, especially your brain.(2).

Better oxygenated, it begins to release more dopamine, endorphin and serotonin(2).

These Happiness Hormones Reduce Your Levels of Stress and Anxiety(2).

According to Jean-Marie Defossez, breathing coach, this is even truer if you take the time to walk in the forest.(3).

Because your spirit can rest on the greenery which reassures it.

In your unconscious, walking in the woods would be like walking in an area where life abounds, where there are food supplies, where your survival is assured.

Conversely, walking in a concrete area would have a less soothing effect. It would be like crossing a hostile or mineral zone.

That said, whatever your walking terrain, the most important thing is that your body is moving!

By walking half an hour a day you also act on your nervous system which calms down while your brain concentrates on this physical activity.(2).

3/ Walking gives you self-confidence!

Walking would have the double merit of soothing inner tensions and increasing self-esteem.(2,4).

To walk is to put oneself into action, it is to activate the field of possibilities.

Your body knows it. He remembers that each of your great accomplishments started with small steps.

This was true when you were just a year old and moved from one piece of furniture to another, putting your arms up in the air to help you balance.

Later in class you had to walk to speak in public for the first time in your life. Was it poetry to be recited? A song to sing?

You walked for your graduations, medals or awards.

Your feet led you to your first job interview, your first car, your first date, your first meeting with a client, prospect or constituent.

You walked towards your children or those of your friends when, in turn, they began to put one foot in front of the other and try to join you.

Your body knows that when you get up and start walking, the following might be very important.

4/ Walking helps you keep the same weight

The idea of ​​permanently slimming down or staying slim throughout life doesn’t seem to make much sense to me.

Bodies change, the years pass, the trials and joys of life mark your body.

Eternal youth only exists in eternal legends…

And even in these legends, the promise of eternal youth can be denied by the heroes.

Ulysses leaves Calypso who promises him life and eternal youth, to join Penelope and die with her.

Achilles prefers to go to war to obtain glory and risk seeing the prophecy that weighs on him come true. He dies in battle.

Walking will therefore not give you the silhouette of the posters, nor eternal youth!

But walking allows you to keep your weight in shape and that’s already very good!

And for this a daily walk of 20 to 30 minutes should be enough.

Researchers at Harvard University in the United States have found that walking for an hour a day notably helps to limit the action of genes that cause weight gain.(5).

This study involved 12,000 people. It confirms what most people have observed around them: walking every day is a useful way to avoid gaining weight.

In addition, walking would also have an inhibiting effect on low-grade inflammation which is sometimes a cause of weight gain and other metabolic disorders such as type II diabetes.(5).

Nevertheless, if you really want to lose weight by walking, you will have to walk quite quickly (between 5 and 8 km/h) for 30 to 50 minutes.(6).

5/ Walking strengthens your immunity

Finally, walking throughout the year ensures you have better winters(5).

Another Harvard University study of 1,000 people showed that those who walked 20 minutes a day, at least 5 times a week were less often sick than sedentary people.(5).

The walkers even gained on average 43% of days without colds or flu!

And if despite their daily walk, they fell ill, their illness lasted less and they recovered more quickly(5) !

Walking allows you to feel better, think better, do big and small things, reach out to others, keep your weight in shape and save tissues!

Don’t wait for me, I’m off. I have a bit of a walk to do…

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

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