Instant way to relieve migraine headaches!

People can get a migraine attack at the most inopportune times, and are often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light. They can be caused by changes in the brain or external factors such as stress, certain foods, or weather conditions.

In this regard, acupuncturist Anis Khalaf, who shares his knowledge in alleviating a variety of ailments with a holistic approach via his TikTok account (@acupuncturefit), claimed that people can get instant relief from migraines with the power of touch.

In an explanatory video, he said: “Look for Earlobe face contact point And press it briefly.”

This method was greatly appreciated by a group of followers.

It is worth noting that migraines usually affect one side of the head, but can occur on both sides, and last from a few hours to several days.

Common symptoms of migraine:

Feeling very tired and yawning a lot.

– Craving certain foods or feeling thirsty.

– Mood changes.

– Neck stiffness.

– Urinating frequently.

– Vision problems, such as seeing zigzag lines or flashing lights.

Feeling dizzy.

– Difficulty speaking.

It is advisable to consult your GP if you suffer from severe or persistent migraines, or if they last longer than you are used to.

Source: Express

#Instant #relieve #migraine #headaches
2024-08-22 20:01:15



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