Instagram’s planned accounts for teenagers cause a reaction in northern Franche-Comté – France Bleu

Teenagers will soon no longer be able to receive notifications between 10 PM and 7 AM on Instagram, according to an announcement from the META group, which owns this social network. Some features will become mandatory. For instance, their accounts will be set to private by default. Parents will also have the ability to monitor their children by viewing their conversations and completely blocking their access to Instagram during a specified period.

A Measure to Protect Against the Dangers of the Internet

Teenagers aged 13 to 17 are well-acquainted with social networks. Nathan, a 4th-grade student at De Vinci College in Belfort, already uses several: “TikTok, Snap, Instagram… I spend about two hours a day there,” he explains. For Amina, these networks are essential; she states, “Above all: There are many interesting things, and sometimes there are people who help you… There are lots of good things.”

They are not unaware of the risks associated with being online at such a young age and even take some precautions. “I don’t post anything because then there are weird people who can find my account, request me as friends, and if I accept, they might say strange things,” Nathan says. Amina even asked her mother for parental controls to enhance her protection.

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Most teenagers don’t approach the situation like Amina, and even though they are aware of the risks, this does not prevent excesses, particularly on the social network Snapchat, where it is easy to connect with strangers.

According to Natacha, the mother of a 6th-grade student at De Vinci College in Belfort, even interactions among acquaintances can quickly lead to insults. Her son has a group for homework: “Sometimes it escalates into insults and intimidation. It escalates quickly at times, but it shouldn’t be allowed.” she sighs. This mother remains vigilant, regularly monitoring her children’s online activities and feels relieved that Instagram is implementing such accounts.

A Misguided Idea for the Montbéliard Addiction Center

For Dominique, an employee at the Montbéliard addiction center, these adolescent accounts represent a misguided idea:The more we try to control something, the more it escapes from that control.” Young people tend to evade restrictions, which could lead parents to neglect their responsibilities. “We can imagine a scenario where a parent thinks, ‘We’ve just created something that provides a level of security, so I’m at ease now.’” Dominique explains.

According to her, the most crucial aspect is to communicate with teenagers. “We must teach our child to use this tool, to recognize the risks, discuss it, and navigate it together. It is upon these criteria that we will be able to assess how our teenager is doing and what relationship they will develop with this mode of communication.

This approach may not be easy to understand. To assist, the Montbéliard addiction center organizes prevention sessions for parents and adolescents.

Instagram’s New Measures to Protect Teenagers Online

Teenagers will soon no longer be able to receive notifications between 10 PM and 7 AM on Instagram. This announcement comes from the META group, the owner of this popular social networking platform. As part of their initiative to enhance user safety, several features will be mandatory for teenage users. Notably, their accounts will be private by default, enabling greater protection for younger users. Additionally, parents will now have the ability to monitor their children’s interactions on the platform, including the option to completely block access to Instagram during specified time periods.

A Measure to Protect Against the Dangers of the Internet

Teenagers aged 13 to 17 are well acquainted with social networks. Nathan, a 4th-grade student at De Vinci College in Belfort, shares his experience: “Tik Tok, Snap, Instagram… I spend about two hours a day there.” For Amina, the online world is essential: “It’s above all… They do a lot of interesting things and sometimes help you. There are a lot of positive aspects.” Despite their engagement, teenagers are also keenly aware of the risks associated with being online and often take precautions. Nathan admits, “I don’t post anything because there are weird people who can find my account, make friend requests, and say odd things.” Meanwhile, Amina has proactively asked her mother for parental controls to enhance her safety.

Teenagers’ Awareness of Online Risks

Despite their understanding of potential dangers, many teenagers still experience the pitfalls of social media. Amina highlights the need for vigilance: “It’s easy to encounter negative content or receive unwanted messages.” Moreover, platforms like Snapchat can sometimes make it too easy to connect with strangers, leading to harmful situations or online bullying.

According to Natacha, a mother of a 6th-grade student at De Vinci College, the online dynamics among students can be problematic, even among friends. She notes, “Sometimes we see insults flying around quickly in group chats for school work. It can escalate into intimidation.” As a concerned parent, Natacha regularly monitors her children’s online activities and feels reassured by Instagram’s new safety measures.

Potential Downsides: View from Mental Health Experts

Some experts caution that while these changes seem beneficial, they may represent a false good idea. Dominique, an employee at the Montbéliard addiction center, states, “The more we try to control something, the more likely it is that young people will find ways to evade that control.” This could lead to a false sense of security for parents who believe these measures will keep their kids safe.

Communication as a Key Strategy

Dominique advocates for open communication between parents and their teenagers. “We must teach our children how to use this tool responsibly and engage in discussions about the risks involved. This approach helps effectively evaluate how your teenager interacts with social media.” For parents seeking guidance, the Montbéliard addiction center offers prevention sessions focused on fostering healthy online habits for both parents and adolescents.

Benefits of Instagram’s New Features

While the implications of Instagram’s new measures are multifaceted, several benefits stand out:

  • Reduced night-time screen time: By limiting notifications during late hours, teens can secure better sleep and reduce screen time.
  • Enhanced Privacy Settings: With accounts being private by default, teens can maintain more control over their personal information and interactions.
  • Increased Parental Involvement: New parental controls allow mothers and fathers to monitor interactions, providing opportunities for guided discussions about online safety.

Case Studies: Real-Life Experiences

Nathan’s Balanced Approach

Nathan prefers to stay informed but limits the information he shares on his account due to privacy concerns. He takes advantage of Instagram’s features to keep in touch with friends while maintaining a level of caution about accepting friend requests from unknown users.

Amina’s Trusting Relationship with Her Mother

Amina and her mother have established a trusting relationship where conversations about online safety are regular. This proactive approach has empowered her to make safer choices while navigating social media.

Practical Tips for Parents and Teenagers

To navigate the complexities of social media safely, consider the following practical tips:

  • Establish Ground Rules: Parents should lay down clear guidelines about when and how their teenagers can use social media.
  • Encourage Open Dialogue: Create a safe space for conversations about online experiences, including negative ones.
  • Monitor Use Without Invasion: Encourage transparency in online activities without being overly intrusive.
  • Educate About Privacy Settings: Teach teenagers to adjust their privacy settings to maximize security.


Instagram’s new safety measures reflect a growing awareness of the need to protect teenagers in a digital world. While these changes show promise, they also underscore the importance of communication, awareness, and responsible social media usage. By fostering trust and understanding, both parents and teenagers can work together to navigate the online landscape more safely.



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