Instagram now also manages direct from the computer

A new feature is coming to Instagram. It is now possible to broadcast content on the platform, directly from your computer.

Before, for broadcast live content on instagram, it was necessary to have a smartphone. From now on, it is possible to launch a Live via streaming software thanks to Live Producer. For example, from Streamlabs or Streamyard. Also new, streamers can now choose the microphone and camera of their choice when setting up their video.

Concretely, to launch a live video from your PC, you have to go to and select the “Live” option. It is then possible to configure the live sound, enter the title, etc. The last step is to launch your streaming software and enter the unique URL and stream key. Two items previously communicated to the streamer during setup on Instagram.

At the moment, this feature is only available for a few users. Its larger scale deployment will take place in the coming weeks.

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