Instagram is copying Twitter with new ‘Notes’ feature

Instagram is currently testing a pretty amazing new feature. The latter, entitled “Notes”, allows in particular to post short sentences in the news feed, a bit like Twitter.


This is a new feature that is likely to make noise that has just been announced Instagram. The social network may be the number one photo and video sharing application on the planet, but you have to believe that the latter definitely wants a lot more. Instagram is currently testing a new feature. And this one is at first sight quite surprising for the social network.

Like Twitter, the famous social network is thus setting up a new feature that will allow you to publish small texts on your profile. Entitled “Notes”, this feature has almost everything that is currently found on Twitter. With the only difference that Instagram will allow the publication of texts of up to 60 characters, when Twitter offers it a maximum of 280.

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You can now post short sentences to your Instagram feed

Concretely, Instagram wants to allow its users to “quickly share thoughts with loved ones“. The new functionality then takes place directly in Instagram’s direct messaging. At the very top of it, we actually see the “Notes” function, that displays short-lived messages from people or accounts you follow or who also follow you. Instagram thus offers the possibility to the users of the application to write in 60 characters maximum their thought of the day or any other message. On Twitter, some users showed off what the new feature looked like.

By publishing the note, the user can also choose whether it will be visible to all “friends” or only to “close friends”. Each note published is also posted 24 hours at the top of the messaging, and it cannot be edited following posting. It is also possible to react with emojis or respond to the notes that you will see on the news feed. Instagram has announced that it is testing this feature with a handful of users, before rolling it out to all users of the application.

Read also : Instagram, how to make your stories successful?

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