Instagram – An option to avoid slippage in live


In order to secure its live streaming functionality, the social network now allows users to assign moderators.

Instagram has been broadcasting live since 2016.


A photo and video sharing platform, Instagram has also been able to broadcast live broadcasts since 2016. In order to make them more secure, the social network has just added moderation tools. They must allow users to limit hateful or violent comments during the broadcast of live videos.

Concretely, it is now possible to assign moderators by pressing the Menu icon in the comments bar after launching a live event. All you have to do is choose a person to give him the role of moderator (only one per live). Each moderator will have the ability to report problematic comments, remove viewers who do not comply with the rules of use of the platform or block their ability to comment.

Instagram, which announced the end of its IGTV app, is thus catching up on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube or Twitch, in particular.


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