Inspiring Letter from Xi Jinping: Encouraging Children of Heroes and Martyrs in Safeguarding China

2023-09-30 01:48:37

Xi Jinping replied to a letter to encourage the children of heroes and martyrs studying at the People’s Public Security University of China
Follow the example of your heroic fathers
Determined to be a loyal defender of the Party and the people

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 29. On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, responded to a letter on September 28 to the children of heroes and martyrs studying at the People’s Public Security University of China, raising high expectations for them. Send greetings to the families of the police heroes.

Xi Jinping said in his reply that I am very pleased to learn that you are grateful to the party and determined to carry the banner of your fathers and contribute your youthful strength to safeguarding a safe China.

Xi Jinping emphasized that it is the sacred duty of the people’s police to maintain national security and social stability, and protect the happiness and tranquility of the people. Your fathers have the courage to take on responsibilities and are willing to sacrifice and contribute. Their spirit is always worth remembering and carrying forward. I hope you will follow the example of your heroic fathers, strengthen your ideals and beliefs, study hard and train hard, work hard to develop the skills to serve the country and the people, be determined to be loyal guards of the party and the people, and make unremitting efforts to build a higher-level safe China. Actively contribute to promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

Since the founding of New China, more than 17,000 police officers from public security agencies across the country have died in the line of duty, of which more than 3,700 have been named martyrs. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has met with representatives of heroes and models in the public security system across the country many times, and made demands on carrying forward the spirit of public security heroes and taking good care of the families of comrades who died in the line of duty. Recently, eight children of heroes studying at the People’s Public Security University of China wrote to General Secretary Xi Jinping, reporting on their studies and training at the school and their insights on their growth, expressing their determination to inherit the legacy of their fathers and contribute to safeguarding a safe China.

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