Inspectors went to A.Bos’ plot, where the luxury villa had to be demolished: they gave their verdict | Business

Recently 15min announced that the house, granary and sauna were razed to the ground, and the plot of land was leveled.

At the beginning of this year, the Supreme Court of Lithuania issued an unappealable ruling that the well-known businessman A.Bos will have to demolish his house in the Vilnius district. This happened because the construction permit was issued illegally by the municipality.

The Supreme Court of Lithuania on January 11 A. Bosui ordered the buildings to be demolished within a period of 6 months.

How 15min said Rosvaldas Gorbachevs, public relations advisor of the State Spatial Planning and Construction Inspectorate, July of this year was the deadline for implementing the court’s decision. Although it was not done on time, as noted by R. Gorbachiova, the works were in progress, and after their completion, inspectors had to go to the site to assess the situation.

R. Gorbachev 15min informed on Wednesday that on September 30, inspectors carried out an inspection of a plot of land in the village of Aukštuolė, in order to determine whether the above-mentioned court decision had been fulfilled.

According to him, A.Bos had to demolish the residential house under construction, sauna, granary and utility networks and clean up the construction site.

“During the inspection, it was established that the structures described in the court decision: a residential house, a sauna, a granary, and utility networks have been demolished. The construction site is arranged. On 10/02/2024, an act of verification of the execution of the Court’s obligation to remove the consequences of the construction according to the illegally issued construction permitting document was drawn up, in which we stated that the decision has been fulfilled”, said R. Gorbachiova.

We will remind you that it is tentatively estimated that sweeping a residential house, granary and sauna can cost about 150 thousand. euros. And almost the entire amount – 90 percent. – should be covered by Vilnius district municipality.

However, the entrepreneur wants to recover money not only for the demolition, but also for the construction itself.

“Between 500 and 700 thousand were counted there. We are not asking for anything more than what we spent. This is, of course, not all costs. Nothing has been evaluated here, the funds have been frozen for seven years, so inflation needs to be calculated within seven years,” A. Bos told LNK “Žinias”.

#Inspectors #A.Bos #plot #luxury #villa #demolished #gave #verdict #Business
2024-10-04 10:08:22



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