Inspection Team Advocates for Rapid Advancement in Integration Bridge Improvement Initiatives

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The general directors of both banks of the Itaipu Binacional, Justo Zacarías Irún and Enio Verri, accompanied by a delegation made up of directors and technicians from the Binacional, as well as the ministers of Urbanism, Juan Carlos Baruja; and of Information and Technology, Gustavo Villate; made a tour to verify the progress of the complementary works of the Integration Bridge, which will unite the cities of Foz de Yguazú and Presidente Franco.

On this occasion, the Brazilian general director, Enio Verri, stressed the need to enable the new international connection as soon as possible to organize and facilitate the circulation of vehicles and expand the development capacity in the region.

He acknowledged that there is not the same level of progress in the complementary works on the Brazilian side, due to the delay of the contracting company that won the tender administered by the State of Paraná. However, he reiterated the commitment to join forces between authorities to advance the schedule of works and expressed confidence that the situation can be reversed.

He also stressed that Itaipu made the financial contribution in a timely manner for the development of the works and that it is imperative to reinforce the tasks for the prompt opening of the bridge.

For his part, the Paraguayan general director, Justo Zacarías Irún, reiterated his desire that the new international bridge, financed by Itaipu, be opened as soon as possible and be at the service of the community. “We see that on the Paraguayan side the work is quite advanced and the forecast is that it will be finished at the beginning of next year; on the other hand, on the Brazilian side the progress is a little slower,” he said.

“This work is very important for the development of Paraguay and Brazil, and to relieve the traffic on the Friendship Bridge, which is already over capacity. We are confident that the work will progress,” he added.

In addition to the general directors, the executive coordination director, Julio Paredes; the technical director, Hugo Zárate; the administrative director, Oscar Abraham; the financial director, Rafael Lara; and the legal director, Magnolia Mendoza, also participated in the tour, reported the Binational.

Complementary works

On the Paraguayan side of the Integration Bridge, the current contracts that are in charge of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) are divided into four road infrastructures: rural sector (lots 1 and 2), urban sector or interconnection to the existing network in the city of Presidente Franco, in addition to the construction of a 500-meter bridge over the Monday River. There are also two other contracts for civil works: the primary zone and the cargo terminal.

Among these works, the main ones are the future primary zone, with urban road access and the construction of administrative offices, such as the Customs Procedures Center (CTA), which will house the public entities of Paraguay and Brazil. The construction of the new cargo terminal of the National Navigation and Ports Administration (ANNP) is also planned, among other facilities.

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2024-09-08 00:25:31

Itaipu Dam

The Itaipu Binacional and the Integration Bridge: ⁤A New Era‌ of Connection and ⁤Development

The Itaipu Binacional, a‍ binational undertaking run‍ by Brazil and Paraguay, has been‌ a symbol of cooperation and⁢ progress between the two countries since its completion in 1984 ‍ [[1]]. Located⁢ on the Paraná⁢ River, the Itaipu Hydroelectric Dam is‌ one of the‌ largest ⁣and most important hydroelectric power ⁢plants in ⁤the world‍ [[2]]. Now, the Itaipu Binacional‌ is taking its commitment to development ‍and​ connectivity‌ to the next ‌level with‍ the construction of the Integration⁢ Bridge, which will unite the cities of Foz de Yguazú and Presidente Franco.

The Integration Bridge is a critical infrastructure project aimed at facilitating the circulation of vehicles and ​expanding the development capacity in the region. The ‌bridge will span 1.294 km and be 20.10 m​ wide, making it a significant addition ⁣to the region’s transportation network [[3]]. The⁣ project is being carried out by the Ministry of Public Works ⁢and Communications (MOPC) and is expected ‍to ⁣be completed by the beginning of next year.

Recently, the general‌ directors of the Itaipu Binacional,⁢ Justo Zacarías Irún and Enio Verri, accompanied by a delegation of directors and technicians, made a tour to verify the progress⁣ of the‌ complementary works of the Integration Bridge. The⁤ tour⁣ was also attended⁢ by⁤ the ministers of Urbanism, Juan Carlos Baruja, and of Information and Technology, Gustavo Villate.

During the tour, Enio Verri, the Brazilian ⁣general director, stressed the need to enable the new international connection‍ as soon as possible to organize ​and facilitate the circulation⁣ of vehicles and expand the development capacity‌ in the region. He acknowledged that there is not the same level of progress in the complementary works on the Brazilian side, due to the‍ delay ⁤of the ⁣contracting ‌company that won the tender administered by‌ the ⁤State of Paraná. However,​ he reiterated the commitment ⁤to join forces between authorities to advance the schedule of works and expressed confidence that the situation can be reversed.

Justo ⁣Zacarías Irún, the Paraguayan general director, reiterated his desire that the ⁢new international bridge, financed by Itaipu, be opened as soon as possible‍ and be at the service of the community. He noted that the⁤ work is ​quite advanced on the Paraguayan side and is expected to be ⁢finished by the ‍beginning of next year, while the progress on the Brazilian ​side is a little slower.

The Integration Bridge is a crucial project for the development of Paraguay and Brazil, and it is expected to relieve the traffic on the Friendship⁤ Bridge, which is ​already over capacity. The project is not only important for the economic development of the region but also for the strengthening of the relationship ⁢between the two countries.

In addition to the general directors, the executive ​coordination director, Julio Paredes; the technical director, Hugo Zárate; the administrative director, Oscar Abraham; the financial director, ‌Rafael Lara; and the legal director, Magnolia Mendoza, also participated in the tour.

The Itaipu Binacional has made a significant financial contribution to the development of the works and has reiterated its commitment to‌ reinforcing the tasks for the prompt ‌opening of the bridge. ⁢The organization is confident that the work will progress, and the new international connection will soon be a reality.

the Integration Bridge ⁣is a landmark project that will bring significant benefits to the region, ‍facilitating the

**Questions related to Itaipu Binacional: A Beacon of Clean Energy and Regional Integration**

Itaipu Binacional: A Beacon of Clean Energy and Regional Integration

In the heart of South America, a remarkable project is taking shape, symbolizing the spirit of cooperation and sustainable development between Brazil and Paraguay. Itaipu Binacional, a hydroelectric power plant, is not only a global leader in clean energy production but also a testament to the friendship and unity between the two nations.

A Partnership for the Ages

Itaipu Binacional is the result of a partnership between the governments of Brazil and Paraguay, which began in 1974 [[2]]. This joint venture has enabled the two countries to harness the power of the Paraná River, creating one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in the world. The company’s mission is to generate clean and renewable energy, promoting sustainable development and environmental protection.

Clean Energy Generation

Itaipu Binacional has established itself as a global leader in clean energy production, generating over 103 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year [[1]]. This monumental feat is a testament to the company’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change. By investing in renewable energy sources, Itaipu Binacional is playing a crucial role in protecting the environment and promoting a sustainable future.

Regional Integration through Infrastructure Development

The integration of Brazil and Paraguay is not limited to energy production alone. The two nations are also working together to develop critical infrastructure, such as the Ponte da Integração (Integration Bridge), which will connect the cities of Foz de Yguazú and Presidente Franco [[3]]. This new bridge will facilitate the circulation of vehicles, expand development capacity, and relieve traffic congestion on the existing Friendship Bridge.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the progress made, the construction of the Integration Bridge has faced challenges, particularly on the Brazilian side, where the contracting company has experienced delays. However, the authorities are committed to joining forces to advance the schedule of works and ensure the timely completion of the project.

A Shared Vision for the Future

The general directors of Itaipu Binacional, Justo Zacarías Irún and Enio Verri, have reiterated their desire to see the Integration Bridge opened as soon as possible, uniting the two nations and promoting regional development. This shared vision is a testament to the strength of the partnership between Brazil and Paraguay, which is built on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation.


Itaipu Binacional is more than just a hydroelectric power plant; it is a symbol of unity, cooperation, and sustainable development. By generating clean energy and promoting regional integration, this iconic project is paving the way for a brighter future for Brazil, Paraguay, and the entire South American region. As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and environmental protection, Itaipu Binacional serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring others to follow in its footsteps.



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