Insights and Interviews from Semana Magazine: Chile’s Constitution, Colombian Politics, and Virtual ‘Influencers’

2023-12-17 23:00:59

  • Urgent: Chile said no to a new Constitution. Pinochet’s political letter will remain in force Revista Semana
  • Fico Gutiérrez attacks Daniel Quintero: “What the Moreno brothers did in Bogotá is little compared to what they did in Medellín” Semana Magazine
  • VIDEO | Jorge Barón speaks with SEMANA: “I have visited 900 municipalities, I have been around Colombia many times, but I would be a bad politician” Semana Magazine
  • A lifetime: SEMANA talks to Jorge Barón regarding his career and great show Semana Magazine
  • The new industry of virtual ‘influencers’: celebrities who work tirelessly and don’t ask for a raise EL PAÍS
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    #Urgent #Chile #Constitution #Pinochets #political #letter #remain #force #Semana #Magazine

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