Insider Reveals Xi Jinping’s Control Over Chinese Politics and Prime Minister Li Qiang’s Safety

2024-03-16 20:35:00

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing time, March 16, 2024]During this year’s Two Sessions of the Communist Party of China, the status of Prime Minister Li Qiang has become a topic of discussion from the outside world. A few days ago, Cai Shenkun, a senior media person living in the United States, revealed the shady story among the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party. Party leader Xi Jinping’s cronies all have their own agendas to protect themselves. He believes that Li Qiang can “figure out his intentions” and it is the safest choice for him not to take power now.

On March 4, the first day of the two sessions of the Communist Party of China, it was announced that Li Qiang would not hold a press conference as prime minister, nor would it be held in the next few years. This broke more than 30 years of practice; on the 11th, the National People’s Congress of the Communist Party of China passed the revision of the “Organic Law of the State Council”. Revised for the first time in 42 years.

On March 5, Li Qiang mentioned “Xi Jinping” 16 times in his first government work report during his tenure. Li Qiang said that the “achievements” achieved in the past year were attributed to “General Secretary Xi Jinping’s leadership and helm.”

A few days ago, Cai Shenkun accepted an exclusive interview with Fuyao, the host of the “News Talk” program. He said that after Li Qiang became prime minister, the first thing he did was to belittle the State Council, saying that the State Council was first and foremost a “political organ” that implemented Xi’s instructions. He actually abolished the State Council and turned it into an office of the “Party Central Committee”, with him as the director.

Cai Shenkun believes that Xi Jinping is now tightening his control over politics, especially his speeches to these leaders. If what he says is slightly inconsistent with what he means, or is inconsistent with his current thinking, then it will definitely be wrong. There will be big problems and big troubles.

He said that Li Qiang should have fully figured out Xi Jinping’s intention, which is that at least he will no longer hold prime minister’s press conferences while Xi is in office. He has followed Xi for so many years and worked under Xi. Don’t let him feel any threat. Therefore, for Li Qiang, it is the safest option for him not to seize power now.

For example, former Prime Minister Li Keqiang, his later speeches were basically reviewed and approved in advance, and it was impossible for him to express himself freely. But under such circumstances, he also said that there are 600 million people whose monthly income is only 1,000 yuan, which is actually a slap in the face to Xi.

When asked if Xi himself had abolished the State Council and turned it into an administrative agency, would it be difficult to blame him if something goes wrong? Cai Shenkun gave an example. Look at the “clearance and lockdown”. Everyone knows that it was Xi who did it, because he has repeatedly said that he personally directed and deployed it. In this authoritarian system where Xi has the final say, he refuses to admit his mistakes.

Cai Shenkun said that in the past ten years in China, Xi Jinping has not had any restraint mechanism. Anyone who dares to challenge him will basically end up with a very tragic ending. For example, Li Keqiang challenged him but did not get any good results. Li Keqiang was abolished at the age of 67.

Cai Shenkun also analyzed that Xi did not consider “the safety of people’s property and lives” in the “clearance and city closure” in 2022. That is nonsense. And Xi mainly wants to control senior officials. Because the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was to be held that year, he would face opposition from all sides if he wanted to be re-elected.

At that time, it was through this blockade that all high-level officials were separated from each other, preventing anyone from having the opportunity to connect and communicate together. Cai Shenkun said that he actually placed all senior leaders under house arrest, and in the end, he successfully won re-election.

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Cai Shenkun believes that through this method, Xi has completely purged the entire Communist Youth League. Especially at the 20th National Congress, in front of so many senior officials, Hu Jintao was taken down. If Hu Jintao had seized the power of Chairman of the Central Military Commission and refused to let go, Xi would never have been re-elected and would not have dared to amend the constitution.

Xi’s cronies each have their own agendas

When asked what kind of person Xi is, Cai Shenkun said that the communist system has no humanity. For example, Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang have a little bit of humanity, but they all end badly in the end. This means that the top leaders of the Communist Party are ruthless and inhumane, especially people like Xi, who are even more inhumane.

Ru Xi used various groups to take away all Li Keqiang’s power, which actually trampled him to the ground so hard that he couldn’t breathe at all. When Li Keqiang was in office, he could not even promote an official at the deputy ministerial level. Anyone he recommended would basically be killed.

Cai Shenkun said that through anti-corruption, Xi has used different methods to cleanse his past political opponents. This kind of political struggle is very cruel. During the entire process of his taking power, they all made “contributions” to him, and in the end he kicked them out.

Therefore, these cronies of Xi actually see things very clearly and clearly. Even if these people reach the so-called Zhengguo level today, everyone must be careful and no one dares to have the slightest idea or extravagant hope for his power.

Cai Shenkun said that Xi’s cronies, even Cai Qi and Li Qiang, all have this kind of mentality. And Cai Qi understood Xi’s thoughts better, and he played the role of a eunuch.

Cai Shenkun believes that Xi will not give up power now. He believes that anyone who has the slightest intention to take over will be basically abolished. Such as Chen Min’er, Sun Zhengcai, and Hu Chunhua. Eventually he took all the power into his own hands. Under such circumstances, he is of course afraid of being liquidated and his family being liquidated in the future.

Xi Jinping is surrounded by crises

On March 11, the “2024 Annual Threat Assessment Report” released by the Office of the U.S. Director of Intelligence stated that Xi’s top priority is the security and stability of the Chinese Communist regime, rather than solving domestic people’s livelihood problems and focusing on economic growth and people’s quality of life.

Wang He, an expert on China issues, recently told The Epoch Times that the Chinese Communist Party’s politics have reached an unprecedented level of rigidity. “Xi’s actions have aroused resentment within the party, and he has become a loner and a target of public criticism. Therefore, he faces institutional soft resistance, and officials generally feel at ease.”

Wang He said that everyone didn’t say it on the surface, but they were disgusted in their hearts. The anti-Xi movement within the CCP has now reached a climax. On the surface, the two sessions were held in a dull manner, and Poland was calm and stable. In fact, there was an undercurrent. Everyone is looking for opportunities and waiting to break the situation. This is the danger of the current political situation in China.

(Editor: Tang Zheng)

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