Inside Their Strategic Playbook: Tactics to Counter the Opposition

Inside Their Strategic Playbook: Tactics to Counter the Opposition

The senators elected by the PRD, Araceli Saucedo from Michoacan, and Jose Sabino Herrera from Tabasco, as candidates of the Force and Heart for Mexico (FCM) coalition They criticized the results of the Morena governments, But now they take a leap like “grasshoppers” and they jump to the official bench in the next Legislature.

At the national level, the PRD lost its registration, as it did not reach 3% of the vote in the elections of June 2.

That was the justification for both senators to seek accommodate themselves in the parliamentary group of Morena, With its incorporation, it will be just one vote away from being able to achieve a qualified majority in that chamber.

During the plenary session of Morena senators, the president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, welcomed both legislators, who argued that their ideological affinity is greater with Morena than with the PRI and the PAN, parties that gave them votes to reach the Senate.

PRD Senators “grasshoppers” with Morena: this is how they campaigned against that party

The truth is that the PRD senators “grasshoppers” (that the journalist Pascal Beltrán del Río calls cockroaches) who joined the Morena bench campaigned against that party. But who are these characters and what did they say in the contest?

Araceli Saucedo called to stop the “destruction and regression” of Morena

Araceli Saucedo has been PRD militant for 18 yearsa party of which she was a state and national councilor.

In addition, for the “Aztec sun” she was also a substitute federal deputy in the LXIII Legislature and councilor of the municipality of Santiago Escalante, where she is from.

His incorporation into the Morena parliamentary group contrasts with the various messages he launched against that party.

“Voting for the PRD is the way and the option that we, the citizens who want to, have put a stop to the destruction and regression that Morena has meant for the country”, said the elected PRD senator in a television spot broadcast during the campaign, of whose statements against the cherry party she recounts Political Animal.

The senator-elect also criticized the Morena governments at the state and federal levels, calling for people to raise their voices and not submit to or be complicit with that party.

“Mexico is playing for the continuity of a government that represents authoritarian regression and the decline of the economy,” he charged at a conference on March 26.

At a rally in May, alongside his fellow party member and former governor of Michoacán Silvano Aureoles, he lashed out against the state and federal governments and highlighted the differences with the FCM coalition.

“There are two paths, on the one hand, those who govern the country and the state today, and who have not done things well, and on the other hand, Strength and Heart for Mexico, where we go together PRD, PAN and PRI, which represents development, progress and the alternative so that the programs that have been removed can return,” said Araceli Saucedo.

After the announcement that she will be part of the Morena bench, Saucedo assured that she will not join Morena and that the decision is consistent with her principles.

Just Tuesday afternoon August 27, Araceli Saucedo held a meeting with the governor of Michoacán, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, with local deputies, mayors, and the leadership of the PRD.

On the opinion of the reform of the judiciarywhich was approved on Monday in the House of Representatives committees, PRD leader of Michoacan, Octavio Ocampo Cordova, defended that the senator has not spoken out in support of it and that she may seek its modification.

“Araceli has never said she is in favor of judicial reform, that time has not come, we must know about judicial reform. What we believe today is that the PRD can fairly qualify These initiatives“, he said at a press conference.

Sabino Herrera accused Morena of failing in Tabasco, AMLO’s land

Jose Sabino Herrera He is a livestock businessman who has been PRD militant for 21 years, and is the son of the PRD member from Tabasco and former mayor of Huimanguillo, Walter Herrera Ramírez.

He is another of the PRD “grasshopper” senators who joined the Morena bench, and campaigned against that party and criticized the poor work of Morena in Tabasco, the land that saw the birth of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Inside Their Strategic Playbook: Tactics to Counter the Opposition

During the last election campaign, he broadcast commercials in which he claimed that citizens were fed up with politicians who changed parties for their own benefit.

“Just like you, I too I’m already tired of the ‘grasshopper’ politicians “as always. To be a good politician, you have to keep your word and know how to keep it with actions. I am a man of work, a man of the countryside, of convictions and loyalties. Don’t settle for less, Tabasco deserves people who know how to keep their word,” he said in the video.

Also, in a radio interview last May, questioned the lack of results of Morena in Tabasco, and even criticized the flagship projects of the López Obrador administration such as the Dos Bocas refinery and the Mayan Train.

“(The Morena rulers) sadly proposed and said so much that they were going to do for Tabasco and they did not fulfill. They had six years of opportunity and they failed. They failed Tabasco in general. Yes, there is a refinery that does not refine, there is a train that does not run, the health sector has collapsed, hospitals are abandoned, people are dying, it is a reality,” accused the then candidate of the FCM coalition.

But after the announcement of his integration into the Morena bench in the Senate for the next legislature, which begins on Sunday, September 1st, Herrera justified the decision by referring to the PRD’s loss of registration at the national level, as well as its affinity with the Morena party.

An unexpected turn

“Today, my alliance obeys and must be in accordance with the objectives and convictions of social justice, pluralism and democracy in which I have always believed, therefore I join the parliamentary group of the National Regeneration Movement Party (Morena), this being the one most in line with my ideals,” he wrote on his Facebook account, a message that was replicated on other social networks.

Although the state leaders of the PRD were confident that they would not automatically give their vote in favor of the judicial reform, the national leader of the party, Jesús Zambrano, reprobate the decision to join the Morena bench.

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“With this, they turn their backs on the PRD militants and the women and men who voted for them in Michoacán and Tabasco. Now we are fully on the path to the death of Mexican democracy,” he wrote on his X account.

#campaigned #party
2024-09-08 04:18:50



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