Inquiries focused on possible loss of property 2024-07-21 10:28:00

Most of the queries regarding the recently approved Migration Law in Cuba were related to the possible loss of goods or property.

Colonel Mario Méndez Mayedo, first second Chief of the Directorate of Identification, Immigration and Foreigners, presented the details of the Migration Bill before Parliament, confirming that 60% of the doubts related to property or assets, while only 10% focused on specific proposals.

The new law ensures that no home or vehicle owner will lose his or her property rights for immigration reasons, protecting those who have acquired property legitimately.

Previously, Lieutenant Colonel Roilán Hernán del Concepción had clarified that the migration law does not affect these constitutional rights, stating that “from the immigration point of view, it has no application that might affect the exercise of these constitutional rights.”

Property rights of Cubans living abroad

The lieutenant colonel also stressed that the new law does not affect the property rights of Cubans living abroad.

Since 2012, the changes have already allowed Cubans to decide on their assets. “In terms of immigration, this has no impact on Cubans living abroad. Since 2012, the plan was introduced for Cubans to decide on their assets.”

News on the Migration Law

The proposed law eliminates the status of “emigrant,” allowing those who already have this status to change their status to resident abroad.

According to Colonel Méndez Mayedo, “the status of emigrant is not completely repealed. The law, from the moment it comes into force, will not allow for this immigration status to be increased. People who have had this immigration status until now will continue to have it, unless they exercise the right to change it, to request the change from emigrant to resident abroad.”

Furthermore, Article 36 of the Constitution of the Republic establishes that Cubans do not lose their Cuban citizenship for having another one. However, while in Cuba, they must act as Cuban citizens and, therefore, must identify themselves with a Cuban passport.

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